Always pay attention to the signs in front of and in case of doubt, the Right-to-left so it is just the right-of-way blades, so they often provide for dispute in the road. Five examples of the German courts.

right-of-way is not always enough

in Spite of right-of-way permission can be made by a motorist in an accident due to the Contributory negligence liable for the damage. The higher regional court of Celle ruled in a case in which it was to come to a constriction of a collision. The convicted driver had in this Situation, although the right-of-way, would have been able to prevent a slight avoidance maneuver the collision, however. Because he has not done so, he violated the commandment of mutual consideration, the court decided, and of complicity by 50 percent. Each of the traffic participants have to avoid an accident, as well as he can. (OLG Celle, Az. 14 U 50/17)

right-of-way for the highway

If you will turn from a dirt road on a state highway and caused an accident, you alone the blame. As the district court ruled Coburg, weighs the disregard of the right of way to the right so hard that it is also the operating risk of the other vehicle enters completely back. In the present case, it was an accident, as a vehicle of a dirt road on a national road import and a 100 km/h-driving Cars the right of way took. While the Accident was undisputed, said the polluter, the plaintiff could not be allowed to trust that the other vehicle would wait in front of the entrance to the main road. The judge of languages. (LG Coburg, Az: 13 O 505/12), Five modes of the sins of many commit every day – you know the consequences? FOCUS Online/Wochit Five traffic sins to commit many every day – you know the consequences?

right-of-way, at Equal

vehicles in the roundabout have the right of way – whoever wants to enter, must wait. But what if two cars are running-at the same time? As in the in Dusseldorf negotiated a case in which a Mercedes-driven driver too fast in the roundabout, and also straight, running car to drive was. Because two cars arrive at the same time, must adapt to each of the two at the Turn of the other and adjust the speed accordingly. The convicted driver had not done this. (OLG Düsseldorf, Az 11 410/11)

right-of-way for the Tram

trams in urban traffic priority – even if the traffic light shows the rails cross-car green. In a at the higher regional court in Hamm negotiated case, a motorist had to turn at a green traffic light by means of a U-turn and was driven on to the tracks in the middle of the road. There is a tram hit him. For the accident, the plaintiff had to follow one hundred percent responsible, stated the judge. The tram was brakes, driver, on the other, the traffic light is in circuit with the green light for traffic turning left, the road train tracks to cross, and also the green light for the tram is legally permissible. Here, in the road traffic regulations are regulated by the priority regime to the benefit of the rail system, which is applicable also to a green light turn on the left turn. (OLG Hamm, Az. 7 U 36/17)

right-of-way for Radschieber

Who pushes his bike, does not automatically loses the right of way. In the Bremen case, the applicant had risen to a priority road of your bike in order to pass sliding a confusing intersection. In the process, she collided with one coming from the left, other cyclists. In dispute is the question whether the wife could rely on your right of way, although she had not ridden the bike at the Moment of the accident was now. The court says “Yes” and evaluates the woman as a vehicle leader in terms of the road traffic regulations. The same is true for cyclists in the short-term braking, Hesitation, Pause, or rest on the roadway. (OLG Bremen, Az: 1, U 37/17)
