” One day, a pedophile called me while he was in the process of keeping a small girl. Sensing that he wanted to rape her, he panicked. I spoke to him of what awaited him if he was going to act, I told him to take his responsibilities. After that, I contacted the brigade of protection of minors. “Listen Latifa Bennari, his collaboration with the forces of law and order is evident and recurring.

however, This is contrary to more than a dozen associations for the protection of the child accused him. The blue Angel, of which she is president, is now under investigation opened by the prosecutor of Paris for ” non-denunciation of a crime committed on a minor [less than]15 years “, as revealed by the AFP. From her side, she denounces a ” cabal “.

I am the little Arabic self-taught.

Latifa Bennari, who comes to the aid of pedophiles and their victims, does not mince his words. She has not done studies of psychology and draws on his knowledge of the ” ground “, that is to say, the phone Arabic, as she says herself : “This is not too much in the culture to go see a shrink. Then, when a cousin or a sister is the victim of the assault, or knows someone who is, she comes to talk to me. “It is only in 1998 that this sexagenarian decides to establish an association, motivated by the concern to prevent crimes around children.

Work ahead

” It was a sex offender only to avoid re-offending, without ever interested in those who might commit a crime. I had a lot of trouble to convince them of the need to develop this work in advance ! “Latifa Bennari tells of the time when it tries to recognize its association, psychiatrists say that a pedophile can not get out of the shadow without acting out.

Since then, she has coined the phrase ” pedophile sober.” She uses it to describe those men ashamed of their desires which call it, between despair and fear to act. Indeed, Latifa Bennari, it is first of all the idea of avant-garde of the hotline. On average, it receives four to six calls per day. One of them was very well recounted his story on France Culture.

On thousands of calls, there is finally a Swiss who ended up skidding.

” On thousands of calls, there is finally a Swiss that eventually go awry, despite our phone calls. In general, they contact me before the passage to the act, even if I also work with a lot of offenders who come out of prison and regret not having me known earlier. “Skid. The word is said : it is so, awkwardly, under the guise of benevolence, that Latifa Bennari describes the actions reprehensible of his interlocutors. A euphemism unbearable for some victims who are struggling to rebuild.

Read also “the bar” #7 – consent

The victims that she helps too, sometimes up to arrange home meetings with perpetrators : “I assess the compatibility between victims and aggressors before organizing a group to speak. In general, it is good for victims to hear of pedophiles recognize their wrong. “A mix of genres that has already borne fruit, particularly in the context of restorative justice, which is still little known in France.

I did not report them, myself, directly. I am a therapeutic support, coaching, if you want to.

” When someone talks to me about abuse, if it is an adult, it is he who should complain, I do not report them, myself, directly. I am a therapeutic support, coaching, if you want to. I am simply warning the victims about the event and the violence of being dismissed if they do not have enough evidence against their abuser. “All the ambiguity of the position of Latifa Bennari might lie in this “caution” is perceived as daunting by its detractors.

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For the president of The blue Angel, it is above all in the” exchange empathetic ” and ” discussion “, even to consider some of the punishments unnecessary. Like this time where a mother, after having surprised his 14 year old son trying to molest his 6 year old son, explains to him that she wants to kill his older brother. “I went to see and it was discussed. Punish him by sending him to in a home that was not productive. So, we thought together, with the parents. Their 14 year old son has cried a lot, he confessed that he consumed too much porn. I went again later and it went better. “This story came to the ears of the brigade of protection of minors, Latifa Bennari has been heard, and” everything is back in order then “. Understand : for this time, his handling of the situation has agreed to the police.

I was contacted by two members of the european parliament, I am delighted that they ask me to brief him.

Despite the apparent lack of rigor in some of its methods, Latifa Bennari has been requested on numerous occasions to discuss his experience. It draws its legitimacy. In 2019, it is participating in the Cifas (Congrès international francophone sexual assault), and for several years, it invites psychologists to follow its groups. An association on the same model as The blue Angel comes to see the light of day in Orleans and in Spain. The idea interested : “I was contacted by two researchers commissioned by the european Commission, I am delighted that they ask me to brief him, what counts is to reduce the curve of the victims. “

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The reality of the confinement is much less positive : the calls on its hotline have skyrocketed during this period. “I directed these people to professionals who work with us and, on the proposal of a father’s incestuous, we also organized our first group of word video. “A success, according to Latifa Bennari.

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