What happened in the head of Joe Biden ? During an interview in the radio show in new york The Breakfast Club, the democratic candidate for the White House has launched at the end of the interview : “You have more questions ? I’ll tell you, if you have a problem to decide if you are for me or for Trump, then you are not black. “An exit, which did not fail to react across the Atlantic, the team of Trump jumping on the opportunity to accuse him of racism.

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Yet there was no hint of such a reaction. At the end of the interview, the facilitator said to him : “Listen, you must come and see us when you come to New York, VP Biden (…). We have more questions ” before the presidential election of November 3. It is at this time that Joe Biden has assured that a Black man was “not black” if it thought it was voting Trump ” It has nothing to do with Trump, it has to do with the fact that I want something for my community “, was then chained to the facilitator.

An exchange “disgusting” for the team Trump

The team of Donald Trump has described this exchange of “disgusting” on Twitter, and the son of the billionaire republican Donald Trump Junior said that Joe Biden had ” the mentality of a racist disgusting and dehumanizing “. “1.3 million american Blacks have already voted for Trump in 2016. This morning, Joe Biden told all of us that it was not a ‘not Black’ “, tweeted Tim Scott, the only republican senator black.

Read also Joe Biden, the risen one

The interview is continued briefly after this exchange, Joe Biden, recalling his work to strengthen the right to vote when he was senator, as well as the strong support he enjoys among Black, before promising to return in the show. In the same interview, the democratic candidate denounced the management by the administration Trump of the outbreak of coronavirus, which occurs in several regions in the u.s. Blacks disproportionately : “This crisis exposes the great day the institutional racism that still prevails in our society. “

Known for his gaffes, Joe Biden is very popular among Blacks, who took him to victory in the democratic primary by offering him a score crushing in South Carolina, at the end of February, allowing him to come back at the head of the race in one of the returns of the most spectacular in the history of american foreign policy. The mobilization of the electorate, black will be crucial to determine the winner of the presidential election of November 3.

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” Where is Joe Biden ? “– The odd campaign of” uncle Joe ” Joe Biden, the Chirac american