Elephant Thiha Phyu, 39 years old, is dead at Copenhagen Zoo after a short illness.

Copenhagen zoo’s oldest hunelefant died on the night of Wednesday after a short illness. The elephant Thiha Phyu was 39 years old.

this was stated by The Copenhagen Zoo in a press release.

the Elephant had been suffering with problems with one foot, and for a couple of days ago she also got a maveinfektion.

– I was called in the night of a zookeeper, who through the video surveillance noted that hunelefanten had placed themselves in an unnatural position. When we came into the barn, she pulled the weather for the last time, so there was not more we could do, says veterinarian Carsten Grøndahl.

She is an asian elephant, which, according to the Copenhagen Zoo can be up to 70 years.

the Elephant came to the Zoo in september with his young, Maha Kumari of 12 years, who also had his young with – Jung Bul Kne of 2 years. The two elephants were in the barn, as Thiha Phyu died on the night of Wednesday.

Hunelefanten will, in the course of Wednesday being transported to the agricultural university to be opened.

– I expect to see an elephant with a part alderdomsskavanker, but whether we can put our finger on the cause of death, I can not guarantee, says Carsten Grøndahl in the press release.

The now deceased elephant was born in Burma and came ago to the Emmen Zoo in the Netherlands in 1988.

Since we went to the Cologne Zoo in Germany in 2004, within the 15 years later ended up in Copenhagen.

She also has a hanunge of 17 years, who live in the Spanish park Reserva Natural Castillo de las Guarda.

in Addition, she also got a second hanunge in 1997, who died in the same Spanish park in 2017.
