47 percent use an electric bicycle as a whole or partial replacement for a car, according to a new study.

There are more and more electric around the Danish carports, sheds, backyards and basements.

Eight percent – the equivalent of 376.000 persons – owns a elcykel, according to a survey by the institute Kantar has made for the Danish road directorate.

the Bikes are used among other things as a means of transport to work, errands and leisure activities.

Many use an electric bicycle as an alternative to the car, according to the survey, based on interviews with 1500 persons.

47 percent respond that their elcykel totally or partially replaced the car.

– It is really good, to an electric bicycle manages to pull so many road users out of the car and on the bike paths, says transport minister Benny Engelbrecht (S) in a press release.

although many are happy for their electric, there is also room for improvement when it comes to the use of them.

Almost half of respondents – 47 percent – agree that the bike paths in the cities is too narrow. It can create dangerous situations for cyclists.

the Whole of 67 percent suggests that many cycle paths are poorly maintained.

the Study shows that there is something to work with, says Klaus Bondam, director of the Cyklistforbundet.

– There has been a positive development in sales of electric in recent years, but we have not seen the explosion, you see, for example, in Germany and the Netherlands.

– It requires that we get the infrastructure we need and to work with the incentive structure a success, says Klaus Bondam.

He mentions that, for example, there should be special allowances for transport expenses for cyclists as well as the possibility for businesses to obtain grants for the purchase of bicycles for employees.

There should, according to the director also works to create wider bike lanes in towns and cities, so there will be better space for the different types of bikes.

the Study also shows that the potential for electric is even greater. 432.000 danes are considering according to the survey) to acquire a elcykel.
