The Sparkassen-financial group needs a plug according to information of the “süddeutsche Zeitung” in dire need of a hole of 280 million euros in the balance sheet of the savings banks, pension Fund, Cologne.

The sum on each half of the Deka Bank and the 13 insurers in the group. The largest shareholder of the insurance chamber Bavaria in Munich and the provincial North-West in Münster, according to the Deka. The Deka confirmed that it has formed a provision in the amount of 140 million euros for the bailout.

350.000 occupational pensions are affected

It comes to the pensions of almost 350,000 employees – not in the case of the savings banks, but in the case of small and medium-sized enterprises, the savings banks and the insurer contracts for occupational old-age pensions of their employees have sold.

The savings banks pension Fund is in a precarious situation, because they can generate with today’s low interest rates, once Commitments for the guaranteed return hardly.

80 million to the pension Fund

From the rescue package, the owner flow of 80 million euros to the pension Fund. A further 200 million euros will be used as part of a reinsurance business. The savings banks pension Fund pays 1.5 billion euros, to the Munich Re, which funded themselves in the coming years from this amount, the required reserve increases of the pension Fund.

Everything you need to know about your pension

Our PDF guide explains on 100 pages the answers to all the important questions around the topic of retirement. Plus 58 Pages Of Forms.

PDF guide

Earlier in retirement: a well-earned retirement In this FOCUS Online assembled PDF guide you will receive all important information, if you are planning an early Start in the rest.To the PDF guide

a Second wave coming? Real-time map shows Corona-spread in Germany, FOCUS Online/Wochit Second wave coming? Real-time map shows Corona-spread in Germany

Here is more on the topic of pension read:

  • increase hardly helps: a 10-million pensioners receive less than 1250 Euro per month

In July, there were pension increases – nevertheless, many pensioners get paid in Germany is less than 1250 Euro. Almost 72 percent of the pensions and standard pensions, which is below the calculator.

  • 40 years 1000 Euro pension worked, not even a third of the experienced nightmare in old age

you have deposited at least 40 years in the pension Fund, must then make do with a monthly pension of less than 1000 euros. 2.4 million people meets this fate. This is every third. Particularly drastic is the Situation in the new Federal States.

  • activist Raul Krauthausen: I’m going to be poor in old age – the law wants it to be so!

In Germany, it is talked a lot about poverty in old age and the fact that you threaten a lot of people. I think that’s always a little weird. For one thing, are already being affected now, a lot of poverty in old age, and on the other, I don’t know that she’s threatening me, but I’ll be poor in old age. The law wants it so.

for More interesting articles:

  • about 4200 euros per contract: savings banks throwing savers to get out – so they fight back

Because they are no longer worthwhile in times of low interest rates, cancel a number of banks in advance so-called premium savings contracts, and there will always be more. Now, a court has to clarify in Munich, whether you may not really – or perhaps even interest to be paid.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin wants to put the Nord Stream Baltic sea Pipeline 2 until the beginning of 2021 ready. Meanwhile, companies in the United States, the controversial project to stop. Now, you massively increase the pressure on German and European companies involved in the construction of the.

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Four quarters in a row has made Tesla wins – a milestone for the otherwise notoriously loss-making electric car manufacturer. But then, as you look at the Numbers of Strange falls.

  • A banking crisis lurks – and it is especially true of savings banks and people’s banks

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