That was allocated 80 million, but the price of vildsvinehegnet at the Danish-German border lands of 45 million.

the last part of The almost 70-kilometer-long vildsvinehegn along the Danish-German border will be mounted on Monday morning.

It has taken ten months to erect the fence, which has been cheaper than expected.

That was allocated 80 million dollars to construct the fence, but the bill Dinamobet ends up at around 45 million dollars, informs the Danish Nature agency.

– We do not expect that the fence can keep all the boar out of Denmark, says forester, Bent Rasmussen, the Danish Nature agency Vadehavet, who has been the project manager for the construction.

– But it is a major barrier, which, together with the efforts to shoot down wild boars will prevent a population of wild boar establishing themselves in denmark.

The one and a half meter-high metal fences that are mounted at about 27.200 struts, must be to prevent, that Denmark will be affected by the dreaded disease african swine fever.

the Disease has recently been found in Polish wild boar just 80 kilometers from the border with Germany.

the Fear is that the wild boars by collecting the infection may be a carrier of the disease and spread it to other wild boars and domestic swine.

launched a series of initiatives to minimize the population of wild boar in denmark.

There are, among other things, introduced the possibility that the hunters can shoot wild boar around the clock.

the Danish Nature agency estimates that there are currently less than 40 wild boar back in southern Jutland.

It is less than two years ago, when the assessment was between 50 and 100 wild boar.

the Fence has met great criticism from a number of green organizations, among other things, the world wildlife fund (WWF) and the Danish society for nature conservation.

The doubts that the fence will be able to prevent swine fever from reaching Denmark.

Also, will the fence serve as a barrier for other animals ‘ opportunities to spread across the border, pointing out the.

From the city council in Flensburg, there has also been criticism of the fence, which runs through the Kollund Forest at Flensburg.

There will also not be partying when it’s Monday morning marked, that the fence is finished.

– We are well aware that the fence divides the waters, and that it is not all who think it is a good idea.

– So we don’t see it as a celebration, but a marking of a major societal abandoned is resolved, says Bent Rasmussen.

established 20 permanent openings in the vildsvinehegnet at the border post and major crossing streams.

Here will Nature try to prevent wild boar from entering Denmark, with other means, for example, smell.

the Agency will set up vildtkameraer to follow the animals crossing the fence and the effect of skræmmemidlerne.
