The New Year starts dyeing of uncertainty in regard to the great chapters of economic. The lack of Government and a new extension budget -the fourth-from 2017 – to leave in the eaves of the evolution of the tax, the prices of many services and, more troubling, the remunerations that depend on the State as perceived by pensioners, officers, or employees subject to the minimum wage.


the Treasury is studying how to raise the tax rate on the wealthiest Sanchez tied the rise of pensions, and the SMI on the formation of Government

Despite the legal uncertainty and the general climate that is pointing to an economic slowdown, the Government in functions of Pedro Sanchez is very optimistic. In the latest forecast that has been sent to Brussels, predicts that wages will grow in Spain to 2.2% in 2020, even above and beyond what they have done in the year that has just (by 2.1%). That is to say, that taking into account that the prices are estimated to grow only 1.2% (estimate of the Bank of Spain), the whole of the wage-earners will gain in purchasing power next year.

The public employees will have a rise in that environment. The Government has promised them an increase minimum in 2020 of 2% (plus a 0.3% of additional funds), which calculates that it will have a cost of 3.264 billion euros. Yes, like the rest of emoluments which depend on the Official State Bulletin (BOE), will have to wait until the Government is formed and ceases to be in functions, although the increase will apply retroactively from 1 January.

The Executive has also pledged to raise pensions by 0.9% in 2020 in terms of the establishment. Yes, also change (to worse) the conditions of retirement. From 1 January, the age of retirement is delayed to 65 years and 10 months, two months longer than currently, if it has not been quoted enough. To receive the full pay of 65 years will need to have contributed 37 years, three months more than in 2019.

The cabinet coalition between the PSOE and United We that are also profiled has insisted he will return to raise the SMI. The proposal is an increase of 900 to 1,000 euros, after which in 2019 have already increased by 22.3% from the 736 euros. Good news, according to the unions, and “alarming” according to the businessmen who, by the mouth of the CEOE, have already warned that will destruction of employment, in particular for young people. Employers and unions will have to negotiate with the Government the rise.

tolls climbs up a 0,84% but disappear in the AP-7 and AP-4.

the self-employed they will continue tightening from the State to contribute more to the coffers of the Social Security. Although for 2020 do not provide for increases in the minimum base of contribution, now located in the 944,35 euros per month and take 90% of the self-employed, the rate of exchange goes up 3 tenths, and stood at 30.3%, with what people self-employed will have to pay 2,83 € more per month (33,96 € / year).

tax matters if the Executive of Pedro Sanchez maintains his criteria before the election, we expect increases in the personal income TAX of the higher incomes, in the estate tax for the very wealthy and the corporate tax for multinationals. It also provides for the creation of new taxes such as the so-called rate Google for technology companies or financial transactions.

In 2020 the updating of the values cadastral 1,092 municipalities, of which 1.005 will be revised upward and the remaining 87 recorded declines. Among those who climb are the capitals of the provinces such as Girona, Valladolid, Cordoba, Teruel, Palencia, Cádiz, Jaén, Logroño, Granada, A Coruña, Valencia, Lugo, Huelva, Sevilla, Huesca and Tarragona. And that decrease the value are Castellón, Zaragoza and Guadalajara. Both the upstream and the downstream media in that it will translate to the amount paid annually by the owners of homes, premises and land by the Property Tax will be 3%. And the maximum increase shall not exceed 5%. However, the councils can then vary the type of the IBI to compensate for the upward or downward the tax.

In terms of the essential services, is not expected to have noticeable changes, neither to the upside or to the downside. These are the main changes:

Transport. buses and the metro do not experience large changes, and even descend. In the case of Barcelona, the ticket goes from 2.20 to 2.40 euros; the new fertilizer of 10 trips (T-Casual) up to 10,20 to 11,35 € and the monthly card (T-Usual) low of 54 to 40 euros. In Madrid, they keep the prices except for seniors whose monthly subscription is reduced by 3 euros to 9,30 euro.

Renfe will raise the price of tickets of trains in 2020, so that the BIRD’s conventional encourages a 1,10% and the Suburban and regional will increase 1%. However, the cards multiviajes (ten or more) do not experience increases. This is the first climb that the ticket of the AVE trains, recorded in three years, and the first since 2015 in the case of the Suburban. The good news is that the April 6 launch of the AVLO, the BIRD low cost, Renfe, for which you will be able to travel between Madrid and Barcelona from 10 to 60 euros.

airport charges decreased by 1,44% from march of 2020, which, coupled with the constant price war of low-cost airlines like Ryanair, Easyjeat or Iberia Express venture few changes unpleasant for those who travel by plane.

Renfe raises the price of the BIRD, but it will put in place the AVLO.

motorists will be worse. Despite the fact that it is expected that the price of a barrel of crude oil is reduced slightly from the 67 dollars that is currently listed, the Government that comes out of the endowment may apply for order to your plan to equate the price of the diesel oil with the gasoline by using a tribute that will represent a rise of 3.8 euro cents per liter of diesel oil.

The average price of the tolls of the highways that make up the statewide network will rise 0,84% from the next 1 January 2020. The rise will be applied on all highways, dependent of the General Administration of the State, except the nine that were rescued by the State to fail during the crisis –among them the radial of Madrid – and which is currently managed by the Ministry of Development. The good news is that they will raise the toll of the two sections of the AP-7 between Tarragona and Alicante) and AP-4 Sevilla-Cádiz, which will be free of charge.

Gas and light. The Last Resort Tariff (TUR) of natural gas will go down from next January 1, a 4% on average compared to the last quarter of this year, after spending the last two trimestres of this 2019 frozen.

In this way, with the start of the new year, the bill for consumers TUR 1 (consumption lower annual 5,000 kWh) will fall by 3.3%, while that of consumers TUR 2 (consumption per year between 5,000 kWh and 50,000 kWh) will fall by 4.2%. These rates are updated each quarter.

The receipt of the light can be reduced up to 2% in 2020 if it eventually approves the proposal, tolls of the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC). However, the change most noticeable to consumers in your bill will be the new system of pricing that will vary depending on the time of consumption.

there Are three sections with different prices: the cheap (from 12 midnight to 8 am); the expensive (from 10 am to 2 pm and from 6 pm to 8 pm, and all weekend and public holidays), 50% more expensive than the cheap; and the intermediate (all other hours), a 20% more costly than the cheap. Put the washing machine on at a certain time or to schedule the electric heating can be a considerable savings. These schedules affect the that have rate-regulated or PVPC (Price as a Volunteer at the Small Consumer)

Phone and Internet . The rise of the brands of low-cost (O2, MásMóvil, Fun, Pepephone, Lowi, Digi, etc) continue to push down the prices of the packages of services (fixed, mobile, Internet and data), especially those who do not have television or football included. Telefónica will rise from 15 February 2020 complementary services, such as calls to three, call forwarding, call barring, maintenance, or the answering machine.

What goes up and what they drop

The light will be charged for the first time in function of the time slots.


Transport . Renfe goes up the price of the BIRD is a of 1.10%, and the Suburban and regional, 1%. In April it will launch the AVLO, the AVE cheap between Madrid and Barcelona (between 10 and 60 euros)

Highways . The average price of toll highways in the state network goes up a 0,84%, except that the nine rescued by the State, as the radial of Madrid.

Salary staff and pensions. When forming the Government, officials will have a rise of 2% and pensions will increase by 0.9%.

SMI .The minimum wage is negotiated between employers and unions. The proposal of the Government is to raise it from 900 to 1000 euros.

Taxes . Anticipated increases in the income TAX for large fortunes, the ìmpuesto companies to multinational corporations and new taxes as the rate Google.

IBI. values Are updated cadastral 1,092 municipalities, which will entail increases in 1.005 and downs in 87.


Gas. The Last Resort Tariff (TUR) of natural gas, the most contracted, down 4% on average.

Light. The receipt of the light can be reduced by up to 2% with the proposal of the CNMC. In addition, we introduce a new system of prices that vary depending on the time of consumption.

Phone and Internet . Do not provide for any raises for the packages of telephony and Internet by the rise of the brands of low cost.

airport Rates . Rates will fall by up to 1,44% from march of 2020. The airlines are not expected to raise the price of the ticket,