The ecological thriller series “Der Schwarm” based on the bestseller by Frank Schätzing lost viewers again on the third evening on ZDF, but still secured the ratings victory. 4.56 million viewers tuned in on Wednesday evening to see parts five and six of the eight-part series, which were broadcast as a double episode, which corresponds to a market share of 17.0 percent from 8:15 p.m. Although the numbers are down 800,000 from Tuesday and nearly 2.3 million from Monday, the show remains on top.
Frank Schätzing, the bestselling author whose material was published about 20 years ago, has expressed his unenthusiastic opinion about the film adaptation in interviews.
The first ended up in second place at prime time with the ARD psychological thriller “Sechteichen”, which reached 3.47 million viewers, which corresponds to a market share of 12.9 percent. The crime repeat “Wilsberg: Filmriss” on ZDFneo was watched by 1.65 million viewers (6.1 percent) and the ProSieben comedy show “TV total” had 1.51 million viewers (5.6 percent).
The RTL dome soap “Der Bachelor” lost another 300,000 viewers compared to the start of the 13th season. With 1.28 million viewers, the show only achieved a market share of 4.9 percent.
This was followed by the US crime series “CSI: Vegas” on Vox with 1.17 million viewers (4.3 percent), the RTLzwei docu-soap “Die Wollnys – Eine TERRIBLY BIG FAMILY!” with 950,000 viewers (3.5 percent), the Sat.1 cooking competition show “The sweet taste” with 770,000 viewers (3.5 percent) and the American sci-fi drama “The Hunger Games – Mockingjay (1)”. 770,000 viewers (3.1 percent with a longer duration than the Sat.1 show).