
Woman gored by bison in Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park, known for its stunning natural beauty and diverse wildlife, made headlines on June 1 when an 83-year-old woman from Greenville, South Carolina, was gored by a bison near the Storm Point Trail at Yellowstone Lake. The incident, which left the woman with serious injuries, serves as a stark reminder of the importance of respecting wildlife and following safety regulations in national parks.

According to park officials, the bison was simply defending its space when it came within a few feet of the woman and lifted her about a foot off the ground with its horns. Park emergency responders quickly arrived at the scene and transported the injured woman to the Lake Medical Clinic. From there, she was flown by helicopter to Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center for further treatment.

As the incident remains under investigation, there is currently no additional information available about the woman’s condition. However, this unfortunate event serves as a cautionary tale for park visitors to always maintain a safe distance from wildlife and to move away if animals approach them.

Yellowstone National Park is home to a variety of wild animals, including bison, elk, bighorn sheep, deer, moose, coyotes, bears, and wolves. It is crucial for visitors to stay at least 25 yards away from large animals and 100 yards away from bears and wolves to ensure both human and animal safety. Bison, in particular, have been responsible for more injuries in the park than any other animal, as they can be unpredictable and run three times faster than humans.

To prevent future incidents and protect both visitors and wildlife, it is essential for everyone to follow safety guidelines and respect the natural habitat of these animals. By taking the Yellowstone Pledge and committing to responsible behavior in the park, we can ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all.

Remember, when exploring the wonders of Yellowstone National Park, it is our duty to prioritize safety and conservation for the benefit of present and future generations. Let us all do our part to protect this precious wilderness and its inhabitants.