He comes back, again and again: Janez Janša, the rise of his condition at the mountain and skiing tested, is the pop-up man of the Slovenian policy. Now the 61-Year-old will be the third Time Prime Minister, and he doesn’t even need a new option. A couple of Defectors from the old center-left government have been enough for him to be in order by the state President as the new Prime to be nominated. From the capital city of Ljubljana is expected to come in the future a couple of right-wing populist slogans, and in the EU, the Hungarian Viktor Orbán and his close friends to gain hope.

The world of Janez Janša is clearly divided into enemies and Fans, in the old left of the rope teams and the loyal followers of his right-wing nationalist party, SDS. For three decades, he has been polarized so that the small Slovenia with its two million inhabitants, the return to the government, he will feel as delayed justice.

Finally, he was gone from the election in the summer of 2018 as a clear winner. But at the time, he found not a sufficient number of partners that were willing to form a coalition with him. All against Janša, was the Watchword.

He was from the dissidents to the Minister of defense – just like his friend Viktor Orbán.

To the Premier, the former television comedian Marjan Šarec that said, however, a month before his resignation was announced. Given a good survey of the values he wanted to instill apparently new elections, but he has gambled away. Because Janša was so clever, two parties of the old coalition, who fear elections, in a new Alliance under his leadership, to integrate.

His long political career Janša – here, too, his Hungarian friend of Orbán started like that – as a Dissident. In the old Yugoslavia, he landed in 1988 as a young Journalist after a show trial because of an alleged military secret treason in the prison. The condemnation struck waves in the country, it came to protests, which have resulted in a movement for democracy and detachment from the Yugoslav multi-ethnic state.

After the first free elections in Slovenia in 1990, became Janša as defence Minister, and in the following year, he became the hero of the war. In the spotted camouflage, he organized the resistance of the Slovenian territorial defense. As the Yugoslav army was forced to withdraw after ten days of Fighting for the withdrawal was the path to independence free.

He presents himself as a victim

Soon after the heroes and the warriors Saga, the Affairs-Vita of Janez Janša began, however, already. In his first term as Prime Minister from 2004 to 2008, Janša was accused of authoritarian tendencies and restriction of the freedom of the press. In his second term 2012/13 he was forced to resign because of a corruption affair back. The subsequent election campaign send, he led from a prison cell. His conviction to two years ‘ imprisonment, however, was repealed soon by the constitutional court.

In all Affairs Janša presents himself as the victim of a political persecution. As an enemy image of what he called the degeneracy of the Left-hand serve him always. With the refugee crisis in 2015, the migrants were added.

Created: 28.02.2020, 23:05 PM