
Williamstown High School Celebrates Four Valedictorians in the Class of 2024

Williamstown High School had the honor of celebrating not one, not two, but four valedictorians in the graduating class of 2024. The commencement ceremony held on May 17 was a momentous occasion as each valedictorian took to the stage to deliver their heartfelt addresses.

Emma Lunsford, one of the valedictorians, expressed her gratitude to her teachers, parents, and peers for their unwavering support throughout her academic journey. Reflecting on the memories shared and challenges overcome during their time at Williamstown, she emphasized the importance of embracing the future with determination and courage.

Chloe Linder, another valedictorian, acknowledged the role of the community at Williamstown in shaping her high school experience. She highlighted the sense of belonging and support that defined her time at the school, expressing gratitude for the opportunities and experiences she had been granted.

Matilyn Perkins, in her address, thanked everyone who had been a part of her journey, from family and friends to teachers and classmates. She reflected on the growth and accomplishments of the class of 2024, encouraging her fellow graduates to embrace the unknown with confidence and resilience.

Lastly, Lexie Wilson celebrated the achievement of four female valedictorians, emphasizing the power of solidarity and female empowerment. Looking towards the future, she expressed excitement for the opportunities and challenges that lay ahead for the graduating class.

As the Class of 2024 embarks on new adventures and endeavors, they carry with them the memories and lessons learned at Williamstown High School. The bonds forged, accomplishments achieved, and friendships made will forever hold a special place in their hearts as they step into the next chapter of their lives. Congratulations to the valedictorians and the entire graduating class of Williamstown High School!