The platform Hablamos Español has installed this Sunday a protest tent in each provincial capital of the Valencian Community to protest “the scam” of which they feel the object of the Table of the Courts for “censoring” their popular legislative initiative on the Law on Freedom of Choice of Language before the Autonomous Parliament.

According to the organization, they undertook “a collection of signatures with legally established conditions and now that we have passed all the procedures, they intend to deny us our rights.” Situation for which dozens of tents have been arranged in recent months to collect signatures to take their ILP to the Valencian Parliament.

“Many people have come to show us their support, outraged by this outrage.

They wanted to buy us the whistles, the t-shirts, they wanted to help us pay the legal expenses derived from the litigation that we will have to undertake if the Table of the Courts continues to deny us the right to defend the freedom of choice of language before the Plenary”, they say from Hablamos Español . “They do not know how to argue against it and resort to censorship, even if they have to break the law to do so,” they stress.

According to the data provided, they have already submitted nearly 40,000 signatures, four times the number required. “If this continues, we will have to go to the Constitutional Court for protection and, in parallel, we will take the members of the Bureau to court if they have prevaricated. For now, only Vox has defended our right to express ourselves in the courts, ”they detail.

In this regard, the association chaired by Professor Gloria Lago, presented this week before the Registry of the Valencian Courts an application that, “probably”, will be the “last one before going to the Constitutional Court for protection so that their right to defend is respected. your ILP”.