The Minister of Health, Alejandro Vázquez, has reiterated that the lack of a Single Baccalaureate Evaluation for University Access (EBAU) for all of Spain is a “handicap” for Medicine graduates from outside the Community to decide to work in a future in Castilla y León. Not in vain, he has stressed that the two existing faculties in the Community, Valladolid and Salamanca, have a “relatively important” percentage of students from outside Castilla y León, especially in the case of Usal. “It supposes a lack of roots in the Community and makes it difficult for these students to stay and work here in the future, after having received a high level of preparation,” he explained.

On the occasion of his attendance at the graduation ceremony of the 182 students who will finish Medicine this year at the University of Valladolid (UVa), Vázquez highlighted the importance of having more Medicine students who are Castilian and Leonese.

And it is that he specified, according to Ical, the importance of Medicine graduates for the Community.

Last week, the counselor already pointed out during the presentation of the loyalty program for the 365 resident doctors who complete specialized health training at the Regional Health Management centers the problem of retaining these doctors, since 60 percent of those specialists are from outside the Community. “Loyalty is more complicated than if they were from here,” he has sentenced. Hence, he opted for the existence of a unique EBAU that facilitates that more Castilian and Leonese students can study Medicine in the faculties of the Community. “When these moments arrive, this claim takes on greater importance,” he specified.

In this sense, the dean of the Uva Faculty of Medicine, José María Fidel Fernández, has considered that the recent graduates should be grateful to society for having offered them quality training and having made two of the best organizations available to them that exist such as the university and the public health system. He recalled that both systems are very expensive, complex and almost always well managed. «Once you finish your specialized training, remember us and your autonomous community. Come back and practice your profession here at home, which is where we really appreciate you. This is where we need them », he asserted.

For his part, the rector of the University of Valladolid, Antonio Largo, pointed out that today was an important day for the students and their families, but also for the academic institution. Not in vain, he has insisted that the Faculty of Medicine has provided them with “very good” training, aware of the importance of graduates in Health Sciences for the Community.

In an act that took place in the Miguel Delibes Auditorium, José María Fidel Fernández also asked Medicine graduates to make an effort and study until retirement age, since the technological revolution forces professionals to be “up to date » because diagnostic methods and therapeutic treatments are constantly being updated. Also, he begged them never to lose hope despite the “overwhelming” and “exaggerated” daily work.