Velefique will be celebrating a new edition ‘Veleficuento,’ one of Los Filabres’ most important cultural events. This event is dedicated to spreading love for reading among children. The activity has been expanded this year and will now be split into two parts. One will take place on Saturday, June 4th, and the other will be at an appointment on October 1st, and the 14th and 15th respectively. The event was presented at the Library of the Provincial Council of Almeria. Manuel Guzman (deputy for Culture and Cinema), Rafael Garcia, the mayor of Velefique and Maria del Mar Segura, the councilor for Culture, presented the details and news about ‘Veleficuento.

The deputy congratulated Velefique’s City Council on the proposal, and stated that this activity had become a model in Almeria. This initiative, which aims to encourage reading and is dedicated to the youngest, transforms Velefique into a town of stories. Veleficuento fills the streets. It will be extended this Saturday. The municipality is committed towards culture.

The mayor of Velefique, for his part, thanked the Diputacion and reminded that Velefique is located 40 km from Almeria [capital], with an infrastructure that can easily be used throughout the year. We organize many cultural, social, and cultural activities …, to let the Almeria people know that there is a lot of life to be had.

Paula Mandarina, the oral narrator, stated that she has grown exponentially, and that in addition to the normal October project, there will be first-rate theater companies.