I had fixed from this morning, because I had to be admitted to hospital at Viborg hospital.
When I was discharged, I just had to have something to eat, and on the way home I run into to the Burger King in Viborg in jutland.
– I’m a vegetarian, and I am at the checkout to ask what the new steak (Whopper Rebel red.) consists of, and the employee then says the following:
‘It consists of soya beans and vegetables. However, we cannot guarantee that the steak is vegetarian, as they are fried in the same place as the regular meat patties’.
– I express my displeasure.
so begins Mark a letter to the nation! on the burger experience, he was cheated out of today. Mark is – as you can below – not the only one who has noticed that Burger King uses the same grill to fry kødbøffer and non-kødbøffer on. His letter continues thus:
When I as a vegetarian had not other options – as the old vegetarian burger they had on the menu came from today, due to the Fenomenbet new had come – I was going to have to just order French fries and onion rings, writes Mark to the nation!, and on Burger Kings Facebook has the ‘same-barbecue-problem’ also scored Helene R and quite a few other on the field:
– too bad if it is fried on the same grill as chicken and steaks.
.- So it makes not really sense. So can vegetarians and vegans not eat it anyway.. but fine for meat-eaters who want to eat more vegetables, writes Helene, and it gives Michelle A her:
– There will be kødrester, fat, etc. from the flesh, and the desires of vegetarians and vegans not to eat.
But Burger King could make a small reserved section of the flammegrillen to the plant-based steaks, write the solution-oriented Michelle, while Victor Z seems the vegetarians should relax a little:
Ahhh now hold your mouth shut.
– Be glad they are even thinking of you.
And quite honestly, what next – separate rooms, write Victor.
the nation! have asked Burger King, it is true, that kødbøffer and non-meat-patties are grilled on the same grill, and it is, but:
– It is important to stress that the Rebel Whopper contains a plant-based steak and is targeted to the guests who love meat but want a plant-based alternative, says Daniel Schroeder, nordic marketing manager for Burger King to the nation!, but what do you say?