The number of days employees were unable to work due to mental illnesses and behavioral disorders rose to 130 million days last year. That was four million more than in 2021, as can be seen from a response from the Federal Ministry of Labor to a small question from the Left in the Bundestag. The economic costs caused by psychological and behavioral disorders were 17.2 billion euros. According to the Left, both the number of corresponding days of incapacity for work and the costs have reached an all-time high. The “Rheinische Post” had previously reported on it.

For women, the number of days off work due to mental illnesses increased from 75 million to 77 million in 2022 compared to the previous year, while for men it increased from 51 million to 53 million, according to the government response.

The causes are varied, according to a response from the ministry in mid-November. In addition to factors affecting society as a whole, such as the consequences of current crises, “the causes are also suspected to be the increasing openness in dealing with mental illnesses.” Due to the crises and developments such as digitalization, decarbonization, demographic change and a shortage of skilled workers, the world of work is exposed to particular dynamics of change in many areas.

Left-wing politician Susanne Ferschl told the “Rheinische Post” that employees in areas such as nursing and geriatric care, in daycare centers or schools were particularly affected. “The federal government must finally act, invest money and take concrete measures to break the vicious cycle of overload and staff shortages.”

According to the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, there were a total of 888.9 million days of incapacity for work in 2022. The economic production losses amounted to 118 billion euros.