Saturday, May 21st, from 8:30 am, a group comprised of volunteers who are concerned about respecting and maintaining public spaces met in Marcillac’s Remi-Etelain Room. Vanessa Chauvin, from the municipal administrative services, had planned communication and stewardship upstream.

This cleaning session was abandoned for two years because of the pandemic. It allowed a small group of people to do a lot of work with the municipal flatbed truck, trailer, and tractor. Tens of thousands of pounds of garbage, including plastics and metal containers, was removed from the forest tracks and along the roadsides.

Then, they were sorted at Saint-Aubin’s waste disposal center. All associations were contacted with a request to participate. It was disappointing that only two of them participated, the Association Commune de Chasse Agree and Aero-Club. Lastly, Hussein Hamou was present as a municipal agent outside of his work hours. Patrick Berthelot says that Philippe Labrieux was one of the few elected officials still present. He congratulates all present and offers them a future appointment for a green day next year.