The National Police has arrested two men in Toledo, after they staged a brawl on the Alcántara bridge a few minutes before midnight. The two were slightly injured, according to police sources, although a spokesman for 112 specified that one was transferred in a mobile ICU to the University Hospital of Toledo.

From the fight, one of the men – with initials D. O. B. J., 34 years old – was injured by a knife, while the other, 44, suffered bruises. Both have gone to court, police sources confirmed to ‘ABC’.

An hour and a half later, 300 kilometers from Toledo, another event occurred on public roads and in which white weapons were brandished.

In the Albacete town of Hellín, a 25-year-old man, with initials Z. M., was injured during a brawl on Pleito street and had to be transferred to the University Hospital of Albacete, 65 kilometers away, after half past one in the morning. A 17-year-old boy and a 30-year-old man, with initials J. H. G., were also injured. They were evacuated to the Hellín hospital.

The brawl mobilized agents from the National Police, local Police and Civil Guard, as well as health personnel and two ambulances: one life support and one ICU.

The National Police has declined to provide data on this event, which it is investigating, although a spokesperson told ‘ABC’ that “it doesn’t seem like anything serious.”