‘I’ve got the sweetest message.’

so begins the cancer patients tv-doctor Charlotte Bøving a posting on his Instagram profile, before she continues:

‘My spots on one lung is almost gone…! Only one is back… I have Never been so relieved and happy.’

Charlotte Bøving got in 2016, diagnosed with cancer in the intestines, and she has since undergone a long series of operations, where she has removed six kræftknuder as well as 70 centimeters of his small intestine.

In October she got the discouraging message that there was found some spots on one lung, that you did not know what was.

“There is a little spots on one lung, but they do not know what it is. Lungelægerne is not so worried, but I should so to a new kontrolscanning about three months, and for the time by the more. But there were some spots that haven’t been there before,” she told in the context, to See and Hear.

But now, studies have so shown. the spots are largely gone.

‘I’m grateful for a quick scanningsvar, so my little family and I can let julefreden lowering themselves,’ she writes on in the advertisement on Facebook. You can read the entire vacancy announcement including: