A 55-year-old man collided with trees and a guardrail in his SUV on Autobahn 1 and was seriously injured. The police said on Friday that he left the road between the Wildeshausen rest area and the Wildeshausen-West junction on Thursday afternoon for reasons that were initially unclear. There he crashed into trees on the side and was thrown back onto the road. In the subsequent collision with the middle guardrail on the highway, the engine block was torn out of the car.

According to police, the 55-year-old with serious injuries was first treated by rescue workers who happened to come to the scene of the accident. He was then taken to hospital by ambulance. The A1 had to be completely closed in the direction of Osnabrück until around 10 p.m. According to the police, the accident caused estimated material damage of around 32,000 euros.