They do not have this mission as a profession, but there are many people who, due to particular needs in life, dedicate a good part of their time to caring for other people, generally family members, who are dependents. All these people make up the Association of Non-Professional Empowered Caregivers of Dependent People (CEM), which this coming Saturday and Sunday are going to hold their ninth meeting at the Social Center of Santa María de Benquerencia in Toledo, in which they will They will share their experiences and will try to contribute solutions and ideas to a task that is often silent and anonymous, as well as unpaid, but essential for dependents.

The meeting will begin at ten in the morning this Saturday with the round table entitled “Life and birth of CEM”, followed by a recognition of honorary member.

At 12.30 the second round table will take place: “Caring is not just a women’s thing: men also care”, followed by a guided practice of introduction to meditation.

At four in the afternoon the day will resume with the round table “Caregivers are not heroes, we also get sick”, to conclude at 5:30 p.m. with another guided practice of introduction to meditation.

The day on Sunday will begin at 10 with a meditation and at 10:30 the round table “The melting pot of caregivers”. After a break, at 12:30 the first CEM book “Caregivers’ Personal Stories” will be presented, bringing these sessions to an end.