
  • The time-changeover from Winter time to summer time 2020 takes place in the night of Saturday, the 24. October, on Sunday, the 25. October 2020 – up to 3 o’clock.
  • When switching from summer time to winter time the night is prolonged so to a hour.
  • and ends when the time change in the EU, is not yet clear.

time change to winter time on October 25. October 2020

In this year in the night of Saturday, the 24. October on Sunday, the 25. October 2020, the clocks in Germany in the winter time changed . The clocks are put back to 3 o’clock to 2 o’clock, and thus restore it to its normal Central European time (CET).

This means that you can get in that night for an hour paid and an hour longer to sleep. At the same time are over with the changeover to the winter, the late summer evenings, finally, because it is again dark earlier.

clock time forward or back? With this donkey bridge to remember it

As a reminder is often used this example: In the summer, the garden furniture before will put the house on the terrace, so the watch must be presented to.

In the Winter, back on the other hand, the garden furniture in the basement or in the shed, the clock as well as must be> back </strong.

More donkey bridges:

  • In summer, the temperatures go to Plus – that’s why we turn the clocks one hour forward (+1), and in Winter the temperatures go to Minus – that’s why we turn back the clocks one hour (-1).
  • In English it means: “spring forward, fall back”. The back says both “spring forward, fall” – but also: “spring forward, fall back”.

winter time begins: most of The watches automatically set themselves to

The time change on 25. October is not a big expense: the radio watch and the TV set automatically. However, in the case of analog watches: This must be independently converted. dpa/Patrick Pleul Analog watches must independently be converted

What you on your Smartphone

In the case of Smartphones need to take note of is carried out the conversion without Intervention, provided that the corresponding function is not disabled. By the following activation path, you can check like this:

  • iPhone: open settings, “General” and then “date & time” select “set Automatically” to activate
  • Windows Phone: settings to open the “date and time” and then “time”, select “Automatic time switch” to activate
  • Android: settings to open the “date & time” select “Autom. Date/time” enable to Finally sleep through the night again! Our PDF guide shows you how you can resolve sleep problems and, in a healthy and quiet sleep. You make the self-test!To the PDF guide

the summer time in 2021: when is the next time change?

The next time change to summer time strong> 28 on <. March 2021 instead.

According to the will of the EU Parliament in March 2021, for the last Time on the shot clock to. Finally, the abolition of which is not regulated yet.

so Far, the EU member States have not agreed yet on a common approach. This is considered important in order to avoid a patchwork of different times.

EU diplomats said this week that the topic will not be discussed during the current German presidency of the Council of large. There are very many other issues that are more pressing than the time change. The Council writes, in turn, that he had not set out its position on the proposal yet. A qualified majority of member States “required”.

What time could get to Germany?

The German government has not decided, according to the Federal Ministry of the economy, whether they preferred a permanent summer or winter time. “From the point of view of the Federal government, it is important to prevent Islands of Time and to ensure a harmonised internal market”, informs the Ministry.

requirement for “an appropriate and harmonised approach” was also a Europe-wide impact assessment. “The EU Commission has not yet submitted such an impact assessment”, means it is out of the house by the Minister, Peter Altmaier (CDU).

surf tip: causes and tips – Tired in the fall: behind, the you can do about it

What would the Absence of the time-mean conversion?

The consequences of any Change in the Status quo would, in fact, considerable. In the EU, there are three time zones, the largest of them, the ranges of the Central European time, from Spain to Poland. In the case of a permanent summer time, it would pale in Winter, in the West – but also in the North – West of the continent only in the morning. In Vigo on the Spanish Atlantic coast the sun on the 21 would be. December then not until 10.01 hrs to rise, in Brest, in Brittany, France, to 10.07 PM, and in Emden in Northern Germany to 09.45.

In the case of a permanent winter time it would be in the summer, not only in the beer garden or in the beach an hour before dark as usual. The sun would rise in the East of the EU, it is also extremely early In Bialystok in Poland, the 21 would be. June at 03.01 PM, in Warsaw, around 03.15 PM, and in Berlin, 03.44 PM.

Learn more: in 2021 at the Earliest – when was the last time the time conversion

time change – why does it exist at all?

Actually want to save energy…

Since 1996, will be converted in the European Union in March and October, the clocks. In Germany, there is the summer time since 1980. Originally should be saved thanks to a better utilization of daylight energy.

in fact, there is no evidence that the time change is saved on a relevant dimension of energy. The Federal environment Agency about the argument is this: “Although by the time change in the summer, in fact, in the evenings, less often, the light is switched on – is heated in spring and autumn, however in the morning hours and more. The cancels each other out.”

The office for technology assessment at the German Bundestag comes to the conclusion that “at best only very slight energy savings”. An evaluation of studies from different countries have revealed 2016 the potential changes in the areas of power consumption and heat of not more than one percent.

a survey of around 700 companies and associations of the German energy economy have not produced a different result.

transition to winter time – increased attention asked

The winter time, shaking to the rhythm of a mess: in the Morning about the drive to work, it is a point of light. It is in the evening when riding in the evening dark earlier. Commuters are often in the dark on the way home. The ADAC makes attentively.

And further: “in addition to this cloudy autumn weather, maybe with a fog, particular care is necessary, because in conditions of poor visibility, the risk increases to recognize oncoming vehicles or pedestrians to late.”

DAK-study: the people meets in Addition to the time change,

: In the case of a current DAK-study 76 percent of those surveyed claimed to feel listless and tired, 59% complained of sleep problems and sleep disorders. One in Ten suffers after the time change even under a depressive state.

“to the Extent the risk of accidents can increase after a changeover from summer – to winter time”, warns of the ADAC. “Increased mindfulness and consideration for others, may be unfocused road users – in particular children – is displayed.” Pedestrians and cyclists should make sure that they are for motorists is well recognized. Bright clothing and Reflectors are useful. Cyclists should ensure functional lighting, and these doubts sooner than later on.

More for the time change

  • Five-facts-to-time conversion, they did not know, probably.
  • The myths concerning the time change in the facts check.

  • EU-countries laze away time to adapt: Why it is in the case of the abolition still hooks

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