The Professional Union of Local Police and Firefighters (SPPLB) has warned that if the selective process of the mobility shift is repeated to all the applicants of the Alicante Local Police oppositions, “an avalanche of lawsuits” may occur.

The reason is that there are still pending and unresolved decisions by some courts in Alicante and the Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Community (TSJCV), other complaints from the mobility shift, “so it is not appropriate at this procedural moment to take measures on said selective process, and prudence advises waiting for its final resolution, so as not to violate rights”, according to this union.

The oppositions have provoked a strong controversy due to anonymous accusations of nepotism.

According to the SPPLB, which opposes its repetition, in addition, not all approved applicants have been notified of several of the judicial processes, such as the psychotechnical test, a mandatory requirement so as not to cause “helplessness.” Several of the candidates who have not been informed will appear in court and their annulment will be requested.

«This union has had access to the content of some of the favorable rulings that are mentioned on the medical test, and we disagree with the opinion of the Alicante City Council, since, according to our legal services, the correct execution of the same, if it is not appeals, it is in any case of an individual nature without affecting the collective right of the rest of the opponents who did overcome it, “they point out in a statement.