The plenary session of the Talavera de la Reina City Council has definitively and unanimously approved the Special Interior Reform Improvement Plan (Perim) of the action unit of the Plaza de los Descalzos, which will turn the surroundings of the church of Santiago into a fundamental axis of the city, thanks to this heritage and urban regeneration project promoted by the municipal government.

This has been highlighted by the Councilor for Urban Planning, José Antonio Carrillo, who has defended the necessary revitalization of this environment that is part of the Special Plan for the Villa and that is associated with the BIC of the Church of Santiago, with an area of ​​1,963 meters squares.

In this regard, the mayor explained that this final approval comes after the favorable opinion of the Castilla-La Mancha Regional Commission for Spatial Planning and Urbanism, so it is “a day to congratulate ourselves for what it will mean for the development of an important area of ​​the Villa and of the Historical Ensemble of the city».

The Government team has opted for this new urban planning that will improve the image of this central enclave, in which the old Calderón Cinemas are also located, and that will undergo “a total change”, protecting the heritage of the ceramic workshop of La Purísima and its Arab oven, in addition to gaining public spaces in the Plaza de los Descalzos with a place of coexistence for the residents of Talavera, the city council has informed in a press release.

On the other hand, the deputy spokesperson for the Popular Municipal Group, Gelen Delgado, has censured that the government team “devotes more effort to questioning the Local Police than to meeting their demands.”

This has been pronounced during the debate on the proposal of the Popular Municipal Group to improve the working conditions of the Local Police force, which has been approved with an amendment from the PSOE, despite the fact that the PP had rejected it, the PP has reported in press release.

Both Delgado and spokesman Santiago Serrano have highlighted that this proposal “is born directly from the demands of the sector” for which they have criticized the fact that the Government of Agustina García dedicates itself “to questioning the word of the police instead of putting hands to work” to attend to their requests and provide more resources, both material and human, “to some agents who have shown on multiple occasions that they do not have the means they should have”.

In that sense, the councilors have assured that Agustina García “would do well to put an end to patrol vehicles accumulating years of seniority”, and to having an expired lease for two years. The same as it is the duty of the Government team to provide a solution to the lack of heating and hot water in municipal offices.

For her part, the spokesperson for the government team, Flora Bellón, has stated that they continue to work to improve the working conditions of the Local Police. Thus, he recalled that in three years of Government, this service has been provided with four official positions that are already covered, one administrative, two signaling operators, as well as 16 vacant positions, the system has been regularized of work, both the uniformity and the vehicles have been increased and the air conditioning of its dependencies has been improved.

The proposal of the Popular Municipal Group to claim the recovery of the health professional career and the necessary resources for Primary Care has been rejected with the absolute majority of the PSOE. The rest of the groups have voted in favour.

Serrano recalled that the health career was an electoral promise that Emiliano García-Page repeated in both 2015 and 2019, “and Castilla-La Mancha is the only autonomous community that has not yet recovered the health career.”

The proposal of the Vox Municipal Group to request the provision of a second mobile UVI for the Talavera health area has been approved unanimously and another to agree on the installation of fixed and self-cleaning public toilets has been rejected with the majority of the PSOE, since the rest of groups has voted in favour.