Agents of the Civil Guard of Valencia have intervened at the Manises airport 400,000 euros in bundles of bills, which a traveler who was going to fly to Turkey tried to hide inside one of his suitcases.

It happened last May, when Civil Guard agents, who were checking the baggage scanner, observed organic shapes compatible with banknotes in the content, as indicated by the Armed Institute in a statement.

The agents located the passenger to whom this suitcase belonged and proceeded to open it in his presence. Among the belongings, numerous bundles of bills worth 400,000 euros were found without prior declaration.

The suspect did not prove the origin of this money and the agents carried out a Currency Intervention Act, which was directed to the Money Laundering Protection Service.

In addition, the Civil Guard proceeded to impose the corresponding administrative sanction for these events based on the Money Laundering Prevention Law.