“You made the difficult easy, and dreams became reality.” “Thank you for teaching us that we have no limits and, above all, thank you for the love and respect with which you gave the classes.” “Thank you for putting passion and love into the lessons from the very beginning.” “We are the charge and you are the magnetic field. Thank you for giving us the strength to move forward.” “You are the person with whom I have learned the most since I can remember.” «You are the teacher who never doubted my possibilities, he trusted me and now I am in the place he had always dreamed of». Thank you for teaching us that learning is living.

These are some of the emotional dedications that the first-year students of the UPV have dedicated to their Secondary teachers that left an indelible mark on them.

Each one of these phrases is included in the diploma that was delivered this Wednesday to the 25 magistrals of 2022. And it is that the Polytechnic University of Valencia once again celebrated the Magistrals act in person, an exclusive initiative that aims to recognize the work of an entire profession : that of the ESO, Baccalaureate and Vocational Training teacher.

In this fifth edition, the UPV has selected thirteen exceptional women and twelve men from a survey carried out among first-year students. It is the students themselves who recommend a teacher with a first and last name, someone who has marked them for their exceptional abilities, a teacher whom they remember for their dedication, mastery of their subject, their patience, their involvement and their ability to motivate students. And, therefore, recognition has more value.

As in the four previous editions, there are masterclasses from all corners of the Valencian Community: from Benigànim, Xàtiva, Elche, Alzira, Foios or Jávea. Teachers mainly teach Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Technical Drawing… but there are also Language and Literature or even International Means of Payment. They work both in public education and in private or concerted education.

The circumstance occurs that two of the most voted repeat recognition for the fourth time. They are Rosa Bens, a Physics teacher at the Salesianos San Antonio Abad in Valencia, and José Luis Carrillo, who teaches Mathematics at the IES Joan Fuster in Sueca.

On behalf of all the honorees of 2022, María Pilar Gomis, professor at the IES Pare Vitòria, in Alcoy, has taken the floor. Gomís especially thanked the students for their curiosity –«I am the one who owes you a permanent debt of gratitude»»– and took advantage of the occasion to vindicate the role of the teacher: «It has been shown that the main predictor of the future success of students is not, as has been maintained until now, the sociocultural level of the parents, but the degree of enthusiasm and passion that the teacher imparts to his classes”.

Rosa Bens Catalá – San Antonio Abad Salesian School (Valencia)

Amparo Bonet Juan – IES Cotes Baixes (Alcoy)

Rafael Calabuig Borredà – IES Doctor Lluís Simarro (Xàtiva)

Constancia Cárceles Sáez – IES Abastos (Valencia)

José Luis Carrillo Acosta – IES Joan Fuster (Sweden)

Gonzalo Chirivella Quesada – Colegio Escuela Pía (Gandía)

Mar Cholbi Sellés – IES La Mar (Jávea)

Jose Manuel Neck Santin – Newton College (Elche)

Juan Díaz Almagro – IES Camp de Túria (Lliria)

Miguel Ángel Filgaira Alcón – IES Enrique Tierno Galván (Moncada)

Adrián García Cremades – CEU San Pablo School (Moncada)

María Pilar Gomis Martí – IES Pare Vitoria (Alcoy)

Sara Grau Cardona – IES Tirant lo Blanc (Gandía)

Santiago Martínez Pérez – Colegio Nuestra Señora del Socorro (Benetússer)

Ana María Molina Tejera – College of the Holy Trinity (Valencia)

Antonio Moya Anson – College of St. Joseph of Calasanz (Valencia)

Santiago Ortuño Molina – Sacred Heart School Marist Brothers (Valencia)

Isabel María Padín Hernández – IES El Ravatxol (Valencia)

Llanos Part Jornet – IES Les Foies (Benigànim)

Toni Peñalver Father – College Martí Sorolla II (Valencia)

Víctor Pérez Sansano – IES Andreu Alfaro (Paiporta)

Ana María Rivera Llácer – IES Sculptor in Francesc Badia (Foios)

Bethlehem Escrihuela Room – IES Serra Mariola (Muro de Alcoy)

Mónica Tarín Vidal – Guadalaviar School (Valencia)

Ana Tornero Medes – IES La Murta (Alzira)