The Junta de Castilla y León puts from this Wednesday, June 1, and until the 30th, a face-to-face attention service in 81 rural municipalities to carry out the Income Statement in person. This has been announced by the Minister of Economy and Finance, Carlos Fernández Carriedo, who has stressed that with this initiative in collaboration with the Tax Agency he seeks to “help people in the rural world” to comply with the presentation of personal income tax corresponding to 2021 , in which the 20 regional deductions can be applied.

Some twenty deductions linked to support for the family, the rural environment, youth, sustainability, cultural and natural heritage, R&D and entrepreneurship.

The 81 municipalities in which the Board has set up offices (in 78 through agreements with municipalities for the use of their facilities and in three in the Autonomous Administration’s own centers) are distributed throughout the nine provinces

-Ávila: Arévalo, Arenas de San Pedro, Sotillo de la Adrada, Cebreros, El Barco de Ávila, Navas del Marqués, El Tiemblo, Piedrahita and Candeleda.

-Burgos: Briviesca, Medina de Pomar, Lerma, Roa, Belorado, Salas de los Infantes, Villarcayo, Villadiego, Melgar de Fernamental, Quintanar de la Sierra, Arada de Duero and Miranda de Ebro.

-León: Villablino, Fabero, La Bañeza, Carracedelo, Pola de Gordon, Valencia de Don Juan, Cistierna, Bembibre, Sahagún, Toreno and Ponferrada.

-Palencia: Venta de Baños, Guardo, Carrión de los Condes, Cervera de Pisuerga, Paredes de Nava, Herrera de Pisuerga, Baltanás and Saldaña.

-Salamanca: Peñaranda de Bracamonte, Guijuelo, Alba de Tormes, Fuentes de Oñoro, Ledesma, Lumbrales, Vitigudino and La Fuente de San Esteban.

-Segovia: Cuéllar, El Espnar, Sepúlveda, Cantalejo, Santa María la Real de Nieva, Carbonero el Mayor, Riaza and Coca.

-Soria: Almazán, El Burgo de Osma, Ólvega, San Leonardo de Yagüe, San Esteban de Gormaz, Arcos de Jalón, Covaleda and Ágreda.

-Valladolid: Íscar, Tordesillas, Peñafiel, Olmedo, Matapozuelos, Medina de Rioseco, Tudela de Duero, Mojados, Villalón de Campos and Pedrajas de San Esteban.

-Zamora: Toro, Puebla de Sanabria, Fuentesaúco, Bermillo de Sayago, Alcañices, San Cristóbal de Entreviñas and Villalpando.