The organizers of the bullfighting celebration in which a 12-year-old boy was seriously injured in the Valencian town of Puçol, by three gorings of a cow, have defended that the event held during the early hours of Sunday fulfilled “all the necessary measures” for his developing.

The Autonomous Police investigate what happened to the minor, who remains admitted to the ICU of the Clinical Hospital of Valencia with injuries that affect the liver and kidneys. In a statement, the Associació de Penyes de la Setmana Taurina de Puçol “deeply” regrets what happened and wishes the young man “a speedy recovery, hoping that these events will not be repeated.”

The organization focuses on the “extensive tradition” of the municipality in this type of event, for which “tickets are not sold to minors unaccompanied by adults.”

“Another thing is the use of deception by those who get tickets through an adult who helps them to do so, being impossible in these cases to exhaustively control ticket sales,” they lament.

In addition, they assure that “both on billboards and repeatedly over the loudspeaker, it was reported that -by law- minors -under 16 years- cannot access the enclosure where the cattle are exhibited and that they could only remain in the stands.”

“In the specific case that concerns us, various bullfighting volunteer collaborators, who are in charge of ensuring the security of the celebration, inform us that they repeatedly warned the minor to leave the premises, accompanying him to the area outside of it, “they maintain from the association.