The Federal Assets Office (OFAC) of the United States Department of the Treasury officially announced the lifting of the sanctions on the former national treasurer, Carlos Erik Malpica Flores, nephew of the first lady Cilia Flores and her husband Nicolás Maduro.

The announcement appeared in a short note on the website of the United States Department of the Treasury where it is specified that “the nephew of the Venezuelan presidential couple has been eliminated from the list of national sanctions designated by OFAC”.

This is how the profile of the favored person with the elimination of the sanction for corruption appears: «Malpica Flores, Carlos Erik, Naguanagua, Carabobo, Venezuela; Date of birth September 17, 1972; Male gender; Certificate No.

11810943; Former National Treasurer of Venezuela; Former Finance Vice President of Petróleos de Venezuela, SA (PDVSA); Former Presidential Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs (individual) [VENEZUELA]».

The former treasurer and former vice president of PDVSA, Carlos Erik Malpica Flores, 49, the favorite nephew of the first lady Cilia Flores and Nicolás Maduro for being their economic and financial operator, is part of the conditions that the Chavista regime has set to resume the negotiations with the interim government of Juan Guaidó, suspended in Mexico since last October.

In the first week of May, representatives of the Joe Biden government, including US Ambassador James Story, and the Chavista regime, held meetings in Caracas to partially ease the oil sanctions on the South American country that depend on the resumption of dialogue. in Mexico.

The oil companies Chevron from the United States, Repsol from Spain and ENI from Italy have been favored by OFAC with the renewal of licenses to continue their operations in Venezuela in a restricted manner.

For his part, Maduro has conditioned the release of his nephew to resume dialogue with the opposition in Mexico, whose “formal talks” began in Caracas last week. “After the visit of American officials to Venezuela, it was said that this was the first name that Nicolás Maduro put on the table in the negotiations and in second place that of his figurehead Alex Saab (prisoner in the US), in addition to the oil concessions” reported ABC the researcher Roberto Deniz of the Armando.Info portal.

Although they are uncomfortable concessions for the opponent of interim president Juan Guaidó, whose coalition “has categorically denied” that he has requested the lifting of personal sanctions against the nephew to sit at the negotiating table. “Our goal is free and fair presidential elections, and the restitution of the rights of all Venezuelans, including the release of all political prisoners,” the opposition leader said a month ago.