Ase offer 250,000 to selected employees advantageous lønforsikring, which gives the minister panderynker.

the Unemployment rate among nurses, teachers, economists and lawyers are historically so low that the trade union Ase now see a good business in offering these and other selected groups of professionals a new lønforsikring.

It writes Jyllands-Posten.

For the same amount as an a-kassemedlemskab you get several thousand dollars extra per month at the availability. At the same time the available rooms do not live up to the a-insurance fund’s claims about conversations and job search.

Ase target of 250,000 Danish wage earners, who are especially profitable, because their risk of being unemployed is low.

the Number of private lønforsikringer has increased fourfold in eight years, of 350,000. However, the Ases model differentiates itself by targeting the most profitable groups.

the Scheme is therefore seen as an abandonment of solidarity in the Danish model.

– If we degrade the allowance, the disappearance of the security, and then we are heading towards a labour Bets10 market model, which is reminiscent of the English or american. And I don’t think that anyone is interested in, say arbejdsmarkedsforsker at Aalborg University of denmark Thomas Bredgaard to Jyllands-Posten.

According to the ceo of the Ase Karsten Mølgaard Jensen due to the new insurance, that there is no real financial security in the daily allowance.

– If the Danish principle of solidarity means that someone has to pay for the insurance, that they can’t use for anything, so is it a break with it.

– The people here have the same claim on an insurance policy that gives them real financial security, so they can pay their rent and utility bills, and this is it, this product should be seen as a bet on, he says.

Ases new model provides panderynker with the minister for employment Peter Hummelgaard (S).

– It is in many ways a design that gets the alarm bells ringing with me. When one starts selecting in the group, it is a break with our collective arbejdsløshedssystem, he says to Jyllands-Posten.
