British intelligence has claimed that Russian forces will see a decline in morale as they face mutiny from their soldiers.

The UK Ministry of Defense Twitter account has been providing regular updates on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine since the war began. On Monday, he reported that Russian forces were experiencing significant problems among officers, affecting their effectiveness in combat.

“With multiple credible reports of localized mutinies among Russian forces in Ukraine, the lack of experienced and credible company and platoon commanders is likely to result in a further decline in morale and discipline,” the Defense Ministry publication says. from United Kingdom.

“Russia has likely suffered devastating losses among its junior and mid-ranking officers in the conflict. Brigade and battalion commanders are likely to be deployed into harm’s way because they have an uncompromising level of responsibility for the performance of their units,” the post continues.

“Similarly, junior officers have had to lead lower-level tactical actions, as the army lacks the cadre of highly trained and empowered non-commissioned officers that fulfill that role in Western forces,” the British Ministry continues. “The loss of a large proportion of the younger generation of professional officers will likely exacerbate their current problems in modernizing their approach to command and control.”

“More immediately, the battalion tactical groups being reconstituted in Ukraine from the survivors of various units are likely to be less effective due to a lack of junior leaders,” the post says.

Russian forces have also faced resistance from soldiers who have already fought in Ukraine and refuse to return to the conflict, Russian media outlet ‘Cacasus.Realities’ reports. Members of the Russian Guard from Krasnodar, a city in Russia, have refused to be sent back to Ukraine. According to a source from the National Guard Federal Troops, several of the soldiers cited their dissatisfaction with the amount they were paid while in Ukraine from February to April as the reason for not going into combat, ‘Caucasus.Realities’ reported.