The Secretary of Organization of the PSOE of Castilla y León (PSCL), Ana Sánchez, has demanded that the President of the Board, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, prove that the trip to Paris and the ticket to the Champions League final match were paid for. this Saturday, and that it was not an invitation from the “friend” businessman and former leader of the PP, Julián Ramos, owner of Biorama Guijuelo, the company awarded the contracted antigen tests “by finger” at the beginning of the year, according to the socialist leader. .

This Monday, Ana Sánchez has appeared at the headquarters of the socialists of Castilla y León to urge the president of the Community to give explanations from Jaén about that trip to the French capital, after a photograph was published on social networks in which appears at the gates of the stadium, along with Julián Ramos himself and the spokesman for the Popular Group in the Cortes, Raúl de la Hoz, reports Ical

“We are going to reach the final consequences,” said Ana Sánchez, who has not ruled out legal action, although she has assured that they will be “benevolent” in such a way that they want to give Fernández Mañueco the “opportunity” to explain himself from Jaén, a province that he visits this Monday as part of the pre-campaign events for the Andalusian elections.