Waiting for the Generalitat to comply with the order of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) by which it must apply at least 25% of the core subjects in Spanish (that is, one subject) throughout the educational system, to At the same time that the PSC, ERC and the commons want to approve a modification of the Language Policy Law, with which they intend to circumvent the judicial mandate, Salvador Illa has asked the PP to join the pact for the language, of which Junts has off the hook, and that Alejandro Fernández has rejected.

The first secretary of the PSC warned this Tuesday that, in his opinion, “it would be a mistake” to lose the consensus on the Catalan language in schools and added, during a conference at the Barcelona Equestrian Circle, that the agreement should be joined the PP of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, who until recently presided over a bilingual community like Galicia.

A desire that has been transformed into a call for the popular to join the current ‘linguistic tripartite’.

However, the response of the PP has been negative. Fernández, in two tweets from his personal account, has ruled out any agreement to modify a rule that, he has pointed out, intends to violate the decisions of the courts regarding school bilingualism. “We are not going to join the so-called ‘consensus for language’ that you have agreed with ERC, because the only thing it intends is to avoid court rulings,” the president of the Catalan PP responded to Illa. And he added: «That God said brothers, but not cousins».

Fernández recalled that “Spanish and Catalan must be both vehicular languages” and has indicated that with the proposal to reform the Language Policy Law of the PSC, ERC and the common ones, Spanish becomes “a ‘learning language’, a concept that legally it does not commit anything. For the leader of the popular Catalans “the sentences are fulfilled” and, in any case, “once they are fulfilled, then we speak”.