The Popular Party of Castilla-La Mancha has released a survey this Thursday morning according to which it could win up to 14 seats in the next election -four more than in 2019–; which would open the door to a possible alliance with Vox, who is assigned three seats, to overthrow the absolute majority that the PSOE maintains in the Autonomous Community.

With these data, Parliament would have 16 socialist deputies, but the sum of the 14 ‘popular’ deputies plus the three from Santiago Abascal’s party would be enough for Emiliano García-Page not to revalidate his mandate.

According to this study, collected by Europa Press, the PSOE would win the elections with 39.5% of the votes with the PP very close, reaching 37% of the total.

Vox would be the third force with 11.1%, while the sum of Podemos and IU shows 6.2%. Cs, on his side, would plummet to fifth position with 3.2% of the support.

In this way, PP and Vox would be the only parties that would increase in voting intention in the comparison with the last regional elections.

According to this report, the PSOE would lose almost 60,000 votes and Cs would lose almost 90,000; while the PP would win more than 83,000 votes and Vox would fatten the account with 42,000 more than in 2019.

With these data, the PSOE loses three seats and Cs four, which would be absorbed by PP (four) and Vox (three).

According to the survey, Emilano García-Page has a higher level of knowledge than Paco Núñez, almost 10 points more -from 98.7% of the former to 88.8% of the latter-; and he is better valued than Núñez -a 5.1 note out of a 5 of the ‘popular’ -.

In Albacete, the result according to this survey would be a tie for three deputies between PSOE and PP with the Socialists as the most voted force; and one more deputy for Vox.

In the province of Ciudad Real the PSOE also won, which would take four seats in the Convent of San Gil to three for the PP, being the only two parties that would obtain a seat in this square.

In Cuenca, on his side, the result of 2019 would be repeated in terms of the number of seats to give a result of three to two in favor of the socialists against the ‘popular’; while in Guadalajara, also with the PSOE in first position, there would be two deputies for each of the two most voted and a fifth seat would go to Vox.

Similar is the data in Toledo, with a technical tie for seats between PSOE and PP (four each), with the last seat in the running for Vox.