The spokeswoman for the Catalan PP in the regional parliament, Lorena Roldán, announced this Sunday that she will report to the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia (CAC) and the Parliamentary Control Commission of the Catalan Audiovisual Media Corporation “the use of Catalunya Ràdio as a medium incitement to violence, “the Conservative Party said in a statement.

After an interview with Roldán last Friday in the flagship program of the regional radio of the Generalitat, ‘El matí de Catalunya Ràdio’, related to compliance with the sentence of 25 percent of Spanish in the classrooms of Catalonia, a collaborator – already without Roldán in the microphones- gave voice to a call from one of the listeners in which she assured that when listening to the leader of the Catalan PP she would go to the station with “a shotgun”.

Roldán has pointed out that “enough of tampering with and degrading what is supposed to be a public communication medium and, therefore, of all” and has denounced that this treatment on the public radio of the Generalitat is “one more example of what is faced every day by families who ask that their children receive 25 percent of their education in Spanish».

From their Twitter accounts and upon learning of the case, both the leader of the popular in the region, Alejandro Fernández, and the president of Cs, Inés Arrimadas, a formation in which Roldán was a member before joining the PP, have given him their support and have deplored the use made of the public media. Other politicians have also denounced what happened, such as Cuca Gamarra (PP) or Nacho Martín Blanco (Cs).