If regional elections were held today, the PNV would win again in the three Basque provinces. This follows from the second installment of the EITB Focus survey made public today by Basque regional television. Both the Basque nationalists and EH Bildu win votes in all the territories, while the rest of the parties experience a certain setback in the intention to vote.

The closest result is expected in the province of Guipúzcoa, where the fight could be vote by vote. According to this survey, the PNV would obtain 36.3% of the votes and EH Bildu 33.8%; that is, there would hardly be a margin of 2.5 points between one and the other. PSE would remain as the third force, but losing 0.6% of the support, and Podemos would leave 7.4% of the votes.

Finally, the PP would go from 4.8% to 4.6%.

The victory will be much more comfortable in Vizcaya. The survey gives them 45.7% of the votes, which implies that the PNV would be close to an absolute majority. It would obtain twice as many votes as EH Bildu, who with 22.2% of the support would be the second political force. Although it should be noted that the nationalist coalition will improve its results by more than two points compared to the last regional elections. The increase in the nationalist vote would occur to the detriment of the result of the rest of the formations, which, according to the survey, are losing support. The PSE would leave 1.5%; Podemos, 7.6% and the PP 0.1%.

The Basque nationalists will not have any problems winning in Álava either, where the poll gives them victory with 32% of the votes. However, EH Bildu rises strongly, reaching 23% of the support. Podemos is the party that has fallen the most, losing 2.7% of the support, while the PP would lose 1% of the vote. Equally noteworthy is the evolution of Vox, which doubled its previous result to 2.8% of the votes.

This second installment of the survey prepared by the Basque regional television confirms the leadership of the PNV in the face of the next municipal and provincial elections in 2023. Yesterday it already confirmed that the jeltzales will not have any problems winning in the municipalities of the three capitals. Although there is still a year to go before the elections and Bildu, which is consolidating itself as the second political force, is the formation that has increased its voter mass the most, both at the local and provincial levels.