the Accumulation of the dismissed cases will be one of the ministry of justice main focal points in 2020, he says.

the Number of dismissed cases in the prosecution service increased from 8846 in 2014 to 21.249 in 2019.

It appears by a response from justice minister Nick Hækkerup (S) to the Parliamentary legal affairs Committee. The answer is published on Wednesday.

It writes Berlingske.

the Minister of justice to interpret the new figures as a further sign of disease in the judiciary.

– the Core is that the prosecution and the police are stretched to the breaking point, he says to Berlingske.

to the history belonging to the public prosecution service in the period has had far more cases on the table.

the Number of incoming cases has risen from 172.199 to 201.946.

the Minister of justice to look with 1xbet severity on the problem.

– It is one of the greatest tasks, which is on my table in 2020. Something has to be done by the development – it is important for the victims and for reasons of legal certainty, says Nick Haekkerup.

He adds that it will take three years to get the problem resolved.

It is also clear from the answer to the committee, that the holdings of the cases in which one or more is charged, but where there has not yet been indicted, has tripled in the period 2016-2019 – from 28.828 to 82.761.

According to the minister of justice has neither the police, prosecutor or courts had “sufficient opportunities” to solve the task.

It is Kristian Hegaard, spokesman for The Radicals, who have asked the question to the minister of justice.

He calls the development a disaster for the rule of law.

– The final consequence is that the victim is experiencing, that the same matter is not being addressed because of a lack of resources. And it is disastrous to follow the cases to the door, he says.

He believes, therefore, that the prosecution “indispensable” need for an urgent boost in finanslovsforhandlingerne.
