Small six billion dollars by the side of. The ministry confirms that which was stated incorrectly on the 2020 budget.

the EU’s budget must be tightened to, and used less money.

It is the attitude of the prime minister Mette Frederiksen (S).

Now it turns out that the ministry of Finance has given wrong figures to the Parliament about the EU-budget.

It confirms ministry of Finance to the Althingi.

Denmark voted no to the EU budget for 2020, because, according to the government was too expensive.

But the total expenditure was 778 million euros, corresponding to 5.8 billion dollars, cheaper, than the ministry of Finance stated in a note to the Danish Parliament, the day after the budget agreement fell into place.

The typing of the Althing.

The wrong information are criticised by The Radicals. EU-rapporteur Jens Rohde (R) call it a big mistake.

– It is first, after that, we point out that there is a bug that it gets fixed. It is a calculation error on the 778 million euro. It amazes me that one can make an arithmetic error in the order of magnitude, when we in the Radical has been relatively easy to figure out the, says Rohde to the Althing.

the ministry of Finance confirms regnefejlen dated to 19. november to news agency Ritzau. The ministry informs that it sent a revised memo with the correct information to the Parliament 21. november.

the Error has according to the ministry, however, not led to the level of spending for the EU’s 2020 budget appeared higher than the european UNION’s spending ceilings. The ministry of finance informs, that the level of spending for ilbet the EU’s 2020 budget is within the EU’s ceiling of expenditure in 2020.

– the Bug has not had an impact on the government’s assessment that the budget agreement was not within the mandate which the government had obtained in the Parliament, writes the ministry in a comment.

the Danish Parliament gave according to Rohde only S-government mandate to vote ‘ no ‘ to the EU budget, because the budget appears to exceed the expenditure ceiling.

– the Government is going against its own mandate. You put crucial importance on to keep themselves within the frame. And it keeps the budget within, he says.

the Left will have the finance minister, Nicolai Wammen (S) to explain the matter in a consultation. It says the Liberal party finansordfører, Troels Lund Poulsen, to Ritzau.

– It is not right that the ministry of Finance is not able to provide correct information to the Parliament. Even on something that has a big financial impact, he says.

Troels Lund Poulsen adds, however, that it had not changed “anything as such” in relation to the mandate, the government had received with them. But it is about providing correct information to the Parliament, he says.

Finansordfører Christian Rabjerg Madsen (S) deplores what he calls a “human error”.

– But it does not change the fact that the government believes that by 2020 the EU aims to spend too much money, says Rabjerg Madsen to Ritzau.

the News comes on the day when Mette Frederiksen has a visit by the future president of the european UNION, the belgian, Charles Michel.

Here was one of the topics of conversation is precisely the EU’s budget. It tells Mette Frederiksen in connection with a doorstep Friday afternoon.
