Today, the PSOE of Granada agreed that the province would “take a leap forward” starting at 19J if the majority of citizens trust Juan Espadas as the PSOE of Granada. He will also be the president of the Board and an “alliance of the infrastructures”, following the extraordinary progress the province has made during this period thanks to the Government of Spain.

Raquel Sanchez, Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, made a call for citizens to fill the next 19-J fill up the ballot boxes with socialist vote to bring about the Andalusia change that the Juan Espadas project represents>>.

He has thus exposed the PSOE’s proposal to raise in these elections based upon the management of the Government of Spain. This has been based on the example of Spain’s Government, which has guaranteed millions of job opportunities through the ERTE, has provided liquidity for companies, and helped the self-employed. It has been there for the most disadvantaged and helped to lower the cost of energy through the Iberian exception.

He explained that it was about choosing between the model we socialists suggest and the model of regression. This is the model of regression that the PP de Moreno Bonilla assumes. It is the usual PP which voted against labor reform and that abstained from CAP or Food Chain Law which guarantees fair prices for farmers.

He said, “It’s very important that all these things are remembered on June 19” and was referring to the “undoubted commitment of the Government of Spain to infrastructure at the provincial level.” Granadans are most proud of the projects in which they have invested more money in the recent years than in the previous seven years.

We have finally ended railway isolation and we have been able to get the High Speed to Granada. We are still working on the connection to Antequera, Almeria, and, of course we are advancing the functional studies that were presented in Granada, Almeria a few week ago and that that we plan for approval next month,” he said, recalling also the commissioning and promotion of the Loja variant of the GR-43 motorway.

It is obvious that we have invested more in infrastructure projects in recent years than in the previous 7 years. All the support we give to housing policies that provide specific assistance for young people in urban and rural settings is a great example.

Pepe Entrena (general secretary of PSOE of Granada) has stated that in order for socialist commitment to the development the province, it is vital that on the next 19-J a great mobilization take place and that the Granadans vote heavily for the PSOE>>.

Entrena stated that it is now four years since Pedro Sanchez’s current government, and that Moreno Bonilla was at the Board’s head, that we can examine the management of each. This will allow us to draw the conclusion that The Board summary of the PP is simple. It was a pufo government.

“While the Government of Spain has left us a legacy of concrete actions that citizens are aware of such as the arrival of High Speed Railway, inauguration of Second Ring Road, Pinos Puente-Atafe section of GR-43 and declaration of interest of Motril-Melilla marine line, the signing of first Urban Agenda between Ministry and Provincial Council, or expansion of Federico Garcia Lorca Granada-Jaen Airport>>,

“Some projects that make our proud of the Government of Spain, and dissatisfied at that of the Board, that has done absolutely nothing over the three and a quarter years beyond repeatedly announcing exactly the same actions.”