Everything seems to be just a question of the title: do you mean the excerpt of the Kantonsrats from the town hall now Kaexit or Rexit? Or Cexit due to the Coronavirus. As President of the kantonsrat Dieter Kläy (FDP) finished Monday’s session, it was probably the front hand is last in the town hall. “Here, no further meeting shall be held more,” says SP group President, Markus Späth ultimate. “We bear a special responsibility,” said FDP group head of Beatrix Frey-Eigenmann .

The green group, the President of Esther Guyer was already against the current Assembly session, but lost out in the Executive Board. “We are now looking for the next Monday a new venue in Zurich,” said Council President Dieter Kläy. 180 people in the cantonal Parliament includes about a dozen representatives of the media, police and Parliament’s services, as well as yesterday, two school classes and other visitors to the gallery come. A bit much for the old building. To closely for Social Distancing and the 2-Meter rule.

“That the cantons and the Federal government can not agree, is not Ricklis error.”Markus Späth, SP group President

Similar sounds in the 125-member municipal Council. “We are looking for an Alternative to the narrow hall,” says Council President Heinz shaded (SVP), “with an electronic voting system so that we don’t need twice as long.” The city and the Canton of Parliament want to coordinate your search. The task is made easier by the cancellation of many conferences. Question Maag-Halle, Congress, house, banks or the exhibition halls in Oerlikon come. “Ghost session in the indoor stadium”, it could then hot as the last ice hockey match.

The Green Esther Guyer had criticized in the media, health Director Natalie Rickli (SVP), you foutiere the recommendation of the Federal government, for events over 150 people a risk analysis on demand. That Rickli argued again yesterday: “Zurich Appenzell,” says Guyer, “full of it”. However, in the Council, a remarkable solidarity was felt with Rickli to. “I would like to my colleague, a Party-winds – Yes, a real wreath for their actions,” said security chief Mario Fehr (SP). FDP-Boss Beatrice Frey-Eigenmann says: “Rickli hand have the well – we should now stand together and show solidarity, rather than each other accusations.” Even SP chief Markus Späth writes: “Rickli is doing a good Job; that the cantons and the Federal government can not agree, is not your fault.”

The two local councillors of the Martin Neukom (Green, Director of public works), and Jacqueline Fehr (SP, responsible for the municipalities), the municipalities on the 15. May invited to a summit on climate change. That is, of all things, the day of the climate strikes. What has led to the municipality President Federation (GPV) under the President of Jürg Kündig (FDP) to a strongly worded response. In the Council, a letter to the government, did not want to Churn back out now, promptly publicized. The GPV is critical of the “polarizing and divisive effect” of this date. As a result, the municipalities would be exploited “politically”. According to the parish President would have to be invited in this highly political area, the government, and not the two left-ruled merely directorates. The GPV is now proposing – if – in the autumn as the meeting date, otherwise, would not “involve a large number of municipalities on this occasion”.

Created: 09.03.2020, at 23:21