Tuesday førstebehandles a udskældt bill. Despite the reservations of statelessness heightens the continued outrage.

Distasteful cynicism, in violation of the rule of law and worrying.

that was the gist of it from several organizations, as foreigners, integration, Mattias Tesfaye (S) in the fall sent the bill L83 in the consultation.

Now it førstebehandles Tuesday, and although the minister has made an important addition, is more høringsparter still worried.

A part of the bill is about the children of Danish parents, born in the territories, where a terrorist organisation is a party to an armed conflict, no longer automatically become Danish citizens.

Criticism of the proposal went from the edges in, that the government, with the proposal likely to make children stateless.

In the bill, as the minister has just given, is written a, subject to check, that the provision does not apply in situations where the child becomes stateless.

But it makes far from a significant difference, believe høringsparter.

Louise Holck, who is deputy director of the Institute for human Rights, believes it is positive that there apparently no longer is the risk that the rules can make children stateless.

– But it does not change the fact that it is a quite exceptionally far-reaching proposal, which punishes the newborn for the parents ‘ deeds, just because they are born in a wrong place.

– To break with the basic principles of international law, says Louise Holck, who is deputy director of the Institute for human Rights.

Indfødsretsordfører for the party, Peder Hvelplund welcomes, after all, is also about, that you have listened to the criticism.

– But it changes not that it is a fundamental breach of the principle of how we usually see on the children, and how we will protect the interests of children, he says.

He backed up by Andreas Steenberg, who is indfødsretsordfører for the Radical Left.

He believes it is wrong to punish children because their parents have been in a particular place.

At the national council for children chairperson, Mette With Hagensen, happy for the change, but she is still concerned that children in difficult situations, it is even harder when the concepts of citizenship does not come automatically.

It has not been possible to get a comment from Mattias Tesfaye to the continued criticism.

the Bill takes effect 1. February 2020, provided the following three treatments will be adopted in the Danish Parliament.
