
My son recently graduated from high school, and as he prepares to head off to college, I find myself reflecting on the ways in which my life will change. One of the things I will miss the most is our discussions about teenage slang. I have come to appreciate the slang of his generation as being more relevant and practical than any I have used in the past. Through his use of slang, I have gained a unique insight into how he and his peers view the world.

Slang serves as a form of social etiquette, allowing individuals to quickly distinguish themselves from others. It has evolved over time, with each generation adopting new terms to express familiar concepts. My son’s generation, in particular, has developed a sophisticated approach to slang that reflects the unique challenges and realities they face in today’s society.

One example of this is the term “mid,” which has become widely used beyond just teenagers. In my son’s language, something that is described as “mid” is considered average or slightly below average. It encapsulates the idea of things that are not particularly exciting or exceptional, but also not worthy of complaint. This concept can be applied to various aspects of modern life, such as the standardized quality of products found in chain stores like Starbucks or the homogeneity of experiences in airports.

Another intriguing term is “glazed,” which my son uses to describe the act of presenting information in a positive or embellished manner. This term is particularly relevant in the context of sports commentary, where commentators often enhance the performance of athletes. Additionally, “glaze” can be applied to the artificial positivity and lack of authenticity that characterizes much of social media, where everything is presented in an idealized and somewhat misleading manner.

As a parent, it is essential to acknowledge the challenges and uncertainties that the younger generation faces in the world we are leaving behind. My son’s use of slang serves as a reflection of the complex and nuanced reality that defines his generation. By engaging in conversations about slang and language, we can gain a deeper understanding of the perspectives and experiences of today’s teenagers.