The King has transferred his “full support” to the families of the 21 missing from the Villa de Pitanxo, sunk last February in Canadian waters. He has done it in person, during a private meeting, without access to the media, with the spokesperson for the relatives, María José do Pazo, and the survivor Samuel Kwesi. The president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, and the Minister of Justice, Pilar Llop, have also attended.
According to Do Pazo, the King was “quite saddened” when they explained to him that there had been no progress in recovering the bodies of the victims of the shipwreck. The spokeswoman has reported that from Casa Real they are periodically interested in their situation, sending emails.
After the meeting, and in a brief appearance before the press, Do Pazo once again appealed to the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, to heed his request to get off the ship, and to do so as soon as possible. “We only have this summer,” he remarked. “He is the one who has to listen to us, the one who has to decide,” he has demanded, to affirm that it is “just” that his claim has been addressed. He has also criticized that the Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, has not yet received them.
The meeting took place at Ifevi, the fair institute of Vigo, where Don Felipe toured the Navalia stands on its opening day. Previously, he has presided over the inauguration of the new City of Justice. An act at the end of which he has approached to greet the dozens of people who, upon his arrival, have received him with cheers and applause.