Covid-19 continues to claim lives in Castilla y León. Hospitals have registered 29 new deaths since Tuesday and up to the data collected yesterday, a period in which another 4,989 new infections have been added, according to data provided by the Ministry of Health. This indicates that the week closes with more than 10,000 new infections and that the death toll in the last week is 70 deaths in the Community.

Most of the deaths registered since Tuesday occurred in the centers of the province of León (seven), Zamora (six), Salamanca and Valladolid, with five in each case. Next, Burgos (three), Palencia (two) and Ávila (one) while there were no deaths in the hospitals of Segovia and Soria.

To this must be added three deaths in residences in Castilla y León since Tuesday, which rise to five in the last week.

As for the new infections, on the last day (Thursday) 1,584 were identified. Of those infections, only Soria and Segovia fell below a hundred, with 79 and 67, respectively. Zamora scored 104 positives; Palencia, 107; Avila, 138; Burgos, 199; Salamanca, 260; León, 290 and Valladolid, 340.

Active outbreaks reach 126, with 2,360 linked cases. Zamora registers 21 active outbreaks and 649 associated cases, followed by Burgos (20 outbreaks and 410 cases), Valladolid (19 and 186) and León (18 outbreaks and 216 positives). They were followed by Salamanca (15 and 380), Palencia (14 and 224), Ávila (12 and 179), Soria (four and 58 positives) and Segovia (three outbreaks and 58 cases).

Finally, hospital discharges total 326 since Tuesday.

The residences of the Community added, for their part, three more deaths with confirmed coronavirus since Tuesday and five since the previous Friday at their facilities. Likewise, deceased residents in hospitals increased by one person.

In this way, the deaths confirmed with the infection in these centers already amount to 3,276, to which are added the 1,028 deaths in the facilities with compatible symptoms and the 77 deaths of residents in hospitals for the same reason, up to a total of 4,381 deaths: 2,273 in the residences themselves and 2,108 in hospital centers. Currently, these facilities have 14 isolated people with compatible symptoms, and another 264 in preventive isolation without symptoms.

Regarding the Board’s own residential centers, they currently serve 2,700 people, with 25 hospitalized residents. There are currently no isolated residents with symptoms and 14 are in preventive isolation.