It is the beautiful dresses, good food and exclusive destinations, the 169.000 followers usually look at the influencer Elvira Pitzners Instagram profile.

But on Tuesday came something completely different up, which has attracted criticism from the Left in the Copenhagen city council.

It was something so municipal as an advertisement for the Copenhagen Municipality’s new website, Elvira Pitzner this time were advertising with the words: ‘Seriously tag your besties under the arm and use the city..!’

the Advertisement is very objectionable, believes the Liberal party member of the city council, Jens Kristian Lützen. It could be P4 Copenhagen tell Wednesday.

“It sends a signal that there is too much money in the municipality. There are many places in the social sphere and culture and leisure, where the money is not enough, and so one can simultaneously see in your feed, that there is afford to pay a random influencer for advertising,” says Jens Kristian Lützen to B. T.

In the bottom of the post covered by a picture of a smiling Elvira Pitzner with his computer in hand, facing the municipal advertising clearly with the words: ‘Jump into’.

the Website is a new portal, where the city’s cultural attractions will be presented to the citizens. Reklamemetoden is particularly objectionable, because Jens Kristian Lütken believe that the damage to the municipality’s credibility.

“The kind of advertising is not very credible, for they write directly, that they get money to say it, they say. I do not think so, a municipality must be in business with. We must be seen as more serious than that influencere to say it,” he says.

Elvira Pitzner has 169.000 followers, and the cast has been like a little over 3,000 times.

It is a big potential audience, which gets this advertising. You are not just old-fashioned in a new world?

“It might, of course, say, but you don’t do it as a municipality. It seems a little desperate to make as a municipality from the rationale that you must do something new as a municipality. After all, we are not a municipality, which sells things like hair care products and mascara, as influencere usually advertise. We must be seen as more serious,” he says.

the Director of Culture and leisure in Copenhagen, Thomas Jakobsen, writes to B. T., that the municipality has tried a new approach to advertising by using influencere.

“That is social media and new marketing initiatives as influencere more targeted communication and cost-effective than, for example, newspaper ads,” he writes, and continues:

“If it does not have the desired effect, or that from the political side, there is a desire to do it differently, then we change course, course,” he writes.

He says, moreover, that the budget for the influencere is at 50,000 dollars. In addition to Elvira Pitzner, the council has also made a deal with the former tv host Line Baun Danielsen.

It has not been possible to get a comment from Elvira Pitzner.