Vicent Marzà’s call took Ximo Puig by surprise, who was still thinking about how to deal with the promised government crisis. The announcement of his departure was a full jug of cold water. Despite being aware in the PSPV that Marzà wanted to leave the Consell for a long time, the departure of the one who had been Puig’s main interlocutor in the Valencian wing of his government disappears and does so in a context of maximum internal tension and a year of the elections.

Something similar has happened with the departure of Manolo Mata de les Corts, the man who has been the main negotiator of the PSPV with the partners of the Botànic in the legislature. In the PSPV and Compromís it is recognized that these facts, together with the internal tensions in the Consell, can convey the idea that the political project initiated in 2015 is “exhausted”; so the voices that want a new political impulse are growing.

It is true that, for a few months, the role of Marzà had been diluted in the regional Executive, even more so since he failed to be a trustee in Les Corts after the departure of Fran Ferri, but the complicity with the head of the Consell was evident. It is no secret that, in parallel, the dialogue between Puig and Oltra had been deteriorating throughout the legislature, and that mistrust between the president and vice president had increased.

In the socialist part of the Executive they recognize this lack of “interlocution” with Compromís, although they hope that it can be resolved when the Valencian coalition resolves all its internal issues. They do not want the image to permeate society that it is a confronted and exhausted government and, along these lines, the changes that will be announced in the coming days, possibly this weekend, are being prepared.

A few weeks ago, this newspaper published that the members of the PSPV complained because they found out about the president’s announcements and bets through the press. From the other side they were answered: “They are going to become the unpleasant left”, due to their refusal of most of the proposed projects.

A situation that has been aggravated by the latest statements by Minister Gabriela Bravo who insinuated that Oltra should resign due to the legal situation she was facing; version that Bravo herself denied yesterday. Both President Ximo Puig and the author of the statements tried to play down the issue.

Yesterday, in an act, Bravo assured that he had not asked for the resignation of the vice president of the Generalitat, Mónica Oltra, nor had he sent “any message to anyone”, while describing criticism of her as “sexist”.

Compromís response had been forceful but the reading goes further. Its leaders believe that the Minister of Justice has become a “distorting” factor and recall that it is not the first time that she has pressured Oltra with her words giving ammunition to the opposition. She still fishtails that famous “contribute or separate.”

“It seems that in the Palau there are still those who believe that they can govern alone without us,” they point out in Compromís. “They do not realize that the scenario they dreamed of in 2019 neither happened nor will happen,” they reiterate. From the PSPV, on the contrary, they defend Bravo and there are even some who think that he is not saying more than some socialist militants think.

Aware of this, in his farewell, Vicent Marzà claimed “work from unity” as “a single government”. He did not drop the rings at the time of thanking the task of the head of the PSPV in his ministry, Miquel Soler, and he claimed that this unit “should permeate all the action of the Government of the Botànic”. All this, with the aim, stressed the outgoing minister, of consolidating a third Botànic.