The Minister of Education, Culture and Sports, Rosa Ana Rodríguez, has sent a congratulatory message to the 21 students who have been recognized with the extraordinary Vocational Training awards, corresponding to the 2020-2021 school year.

This message was launched by the Minister of Education at the awards ceremony at the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, a meeting in which the Deputy Minister of Education, Amador Pastor, was also present; the general director of FP, Maria Teresa Company; and the delegate of the Board in Toledo, Javier Úbeda, has informed the Board in a statement.

In her statements, the Minister of Education highlighted that these 21 winners “represent the good health of our educational system and are a way of not only recognizing the work and effort of the awarded students, but also of their teachers and families.

Specifically, María Elena Felipe Palma (Physical and Sports Activities); Marta Serrano San José (Administration and Management); Inés Rivier Salinas (Agrarian); Ángel Vera Vázquez (Commerce and Marketing); Álvaro Herrero Correas (Building and Civil Works); Luis Arquillos Álvarez (Electricity and Electronics); José Manuel Ciudad Vicente (Energy and Water); Pablo Real Alonso (Mechanical Manufacturing); Juan Carlos Rodríguez-Barbero Rodrigo and Ana María Jiménez Muñoz (Hospitality and Tourism).

Other winners have been Ester Garrido Pérez (Image and Sound); Nerea Gálvez Roncero (Food Industries); Sara Gil González and Juan José Mayorga Usero (IT and Communications); Marco Barbas Vidales (Installation and Maintenance); Jorge Martínez Sedano and Raquel Dorado Lozano (Chemistry); Celia Aranda Carretero (Health); Sergio Ramos Díaz (Safety and Environment); Shirley Pamela Ruales Quevedo (Sociocultural and Community Services) and Alba Arcos Caballero (Transportation and Vehicle Maintenance).

The award-winning students since 2016 with the national Vocational Training awards, which are awarded each school year by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, have also been recognized at the awards ceremony. In total ten students have been honored.

The names of the students awarded these prizes are Gonzalo Bolado (Electricity and Electronics); María de la Cruz González (Food industries); Laura Pilar Fernández (Building and Civil Works); Lucía Somolinos (Personal Image); Álvaro Sanguino (Treatment and Maintenance of Vehicles); Aitor Inza (Physical and Sports Activities); Eva María Camuñas (Administration and Management); Miguel Monge (Installation and Maintenance); Gema Mata (Administration and Management); and Pedro Medrano (Commerce and Marketing).