The Supreme Court forced the Basque Parliament in March to eliminate the cordon sanitaire that applied to the only Vox parliamentarian. And although the Vitoria chamber complied with the sentence and eliminated the limitations of intervention that existed for this formation, this Thursday it approved a motion with which it expressed its concern about the “threat” of the extreme right and insisting on the need to apply “a cordon sanitaire”

The compromise amendment has been discussed at the initiative of EH Bildu. However, the final text, in which “all violence and discrimination against individuals and groups” is rejected, had been agreed upon by the PNV, EH Bildu, PSE and Podemos.

In the amendment, the Basque chamber expresses its “concern” about the “rise of the extreme right and neo-fascism.”

He warns that they are movements that constitute “a threat against freedom, social rights and democracy.” The Chamber of Vitoria also rejects “all the populist, totalitarian and imperialist political and military polarizations that are taking place throughout the world.”

In the text there are no explicit references to Vox, but the parliamentarians ratify their “vocation” that Parliament continues to be “a space of freedom” in which a “rational and reasoned” debate is carried out, whose only limit It must be respect for human rights. In addition to making an explicit rejection of “all expressions of violence and discrimination”, the Basque Chamber has insisted on the application of a “cordon sanitaire” against the extreme right as “a first dam” against this type of formation.

Despite the fact that the text had been agreed upon and was approved with a majority of 68 votes in favour, this motion was one of the most intense debates in plenary this morning. The socialist parliamentarian, Txarli Prieto, issued a warning against “fascism in disguise” and accused Vox of being “a danger to freedom” in Spain. The socialist has also been especially harsh with the Popular Party, which he has accused of “whitewashing the extreme right” against the criteria of the European PP, in reference to the Government pact in Castilla y León.

Carmelo Barrio, spokesperson for the PP Cs group, has responded by reproaching Bildu for raising the debate without self-criticism. He has accused the sovereignist coalition of claiming other issues “that it is incapable of demanding of itself.” «The extreme right and neo-fascism is a threat, correct; but you have been much more than a threat, you have materialized the threat », he replied.

The only Vox parliamentarian, Amaia Martínez, has been especially harsh against the parties that have supported the motion. She has branded Podemos as “ultra-left”, she has snapped at the PNV that her fear is due to the fact that “she will never be able to play her marketing policy” with Abascal, and the PSE has reproached the “shame pacts” ». “They are afraid because Vox is the third political force and will soon govern Spain,” she assured.

“All against one”, he has recriminated before remembering that the “true fascism” is that of EH Bildu. He has described the group as “pro-ETA members of the far-left abertzale” and has reminded the parliamentarians that they carry a “backpack loaded with murders”. For this reason, he considers that it has been “obscene” that a formation that “has nurtured ETA with assassins” presents a proposal of this type. “The outlawing of Bildu will be on our political agenda,” he concluded.