The former head of international relations for the CDC, Víctor Terradellas, who yesterday confirmed before the judge that the former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont met with two emissaries from the Kremlin environment days before the unilateral declaration of independence, explained that these emissaries offered the possibility of making a video call with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In an interview in RAC1, Terradellas explained that the former president and now MEP said that he would have been delighted that this contact had taken place. As he told the judge investigating the Russian links to the process, the former convergent leader has said that the emissaries, who met with Puigdemont on October 24 and 25, 2017, asked how the process was going and “offered help after the independence”. “They wanted us to participate in the construction of cryptocurrency legislation,” he reiterated.

Terradellas, who wanted to make it clear that he was acting under his conscience, stressed that there was “skepticism and disbelief” on the part of the president and that the issue “after those convulsive days” never came up again “ever again.” In part, he has admitted, because when the Russians saw the “mess” they passed by. Then, according to Terradellas’ version, they commented that “everything was very green, that nothing had been done.”

The former convergent leader has vindicated his work at that time to the extent that in his opinion “we should keep all the doors open in case the independence process went ahead”, at the same time that he regretted that his people, the people with whom he was working , they have “left him in the lurch”.

“Whether we like it or not, the United States, China, Russia, decide a lot. We must talk to the whole world” argued Terradellas. “Why can’t we talk to Russia and the rest of the world’s states, yes? I don’t understand that veto we put on ourselves,” confessed the former head of international relations at the CDC. “If they recognize us, it doesn’t mean we agree,” he admitted.

On the other hand, Terradellas has pointed out that he has not derived any economic benefit from everything that happened and that he always did it “altruistically”. He also has claimed not to be aware of having recorded anyone and has declared himself “technologically useless”. “Looking at the latest news, I have no doubt that they spied on me,” Terradellas said.